Chapter 8|Glitch Code|

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In this chapter some one ask me to join error army so heres the name account!
Today the error army was practising their power as always. Beside now is month 2, 2 month again is the war begin...

Suddenly another familiar portal appears.

"Holly shit another one???"(Horror)

Then theres was a girl with a white hair, she wear a wizard hat, and wear like school uniform???

"Gah! Who are you?!"(???)

She let out his stick????

"Woah, woah there! Hang on who are you?!"(Error 404)

"Im glitch code! But call me glitch"(Glitch)

"Alrigth eehhh.... glitch? What are you doing here?"(NM)

"I was heard a big news from here!"(Glitch)

"Well what news that you heard?"(Errina)

"There will be the multiverse war II if i asked for sure?"(Glitch)


"Well i ask you smth..."(Glitch)

"What is it? Make it quick we want to go practice for the war"(Bill)

"May i join you guys?"(Glitch)

Everyone literally shocked.


Huh?! Is she serious? Well from my thoughts she looks weak with that stick. Hmmm i may ask her what kind of magic that he could do.

"What kind of power that you can do?"(NM)

"Im a wizard. I can do any spell and a magic potions."(Glitch)

"Well where are you come from?"(Scroundel)

"Im from hogwarts"(Glitch)

Hogwarts? What kind of place is that?

"Whats an hogwarts???"(NM)

"Its an wizard school"(Glicth)

"Alrigth wanna go to the mansion?"(NM)


*After give an glitch an tour to the mansion and show his room*

"Well thank you for the tour and the room i very appreciated it"(Glitch)

"Yeah, anytime call me if ya need smth"(NM)

Glitch nodded, well its time for me to leave. But first i check error first.

I walked to error's room and opened the door. Oh, hes sleeping peacefully. Gladly god hes cute when hes sleeping.

E-eh?! Gosh what am i even thinking?! And you readers you should NOT tell this to anyone else >:(

Some where else...

"We need your help..."(ink)

"What kind of help that you need?"(???)

"We need you to come to our war for killed error... seraphim...."(ink)

"With my pleasure to help ink..."(Seraphim)
HEYYYYY!!!! Sorry its short! Ya know what? My aunt and my cousin is going to visit. And also they are already here!! But my cousin is FUCKING noisy and very make REALLY pissed off. I just want to stabbed him already.... >:(
Well se ya later!
Word count : 426 word

The deaf glitch {D!Error sans}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant