Chapter 7|New sans and ship|

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Fate and destiny decided to make more sans for error army.

They make it so ink will realised how important error is for this world...

Month 1.

The error's army was very focused to defending error at war.

Horror now use an chainsaw just like scoundrel.
Not long after 4 hours practice theres another glitch portal.

"Huh?! Its that ink or not?!"(Gas)

Gas quickly preparing his gas.

Then the portal throw smth. A glitchy skeletons but his bone is white... his teeth is blue and he same as error, errina, and fatal but quite different. Almost all his clothes is blue some of them have white colour (mostly)

"Who was that?"(Alastor)

"Another people to joining us?"(Bill)

"It could be"(NM)

"Imma bring him to the mansion for awhile"(NM)

Everyone is nodded and continue their practice.
NM put the unknown skeleton on the couch and then error come out from his room.

"Heyya error! I just found somebody else but he get throw from the portal"

'Is he okay?'(error sign language)

NM nodded.
Error start to sit beside that skeletons while NM is going to practice again. NM just make sure error doesn't fall in love with the unknown skeleton.

After 3 minutes that skeletons is awake.

Error 404 POV

Ukhh.... what? Where am i?
Am i on a couch?
Who is this guy?

I turn my laying pose into sit down pose. That guy on beside me is weird. Hes seems nervous.

'Are you okay'(Error sign language)

Uuuhhh.... what was that language about?
I dont get it...

Suddenly theres a note book on his left hand with a pen. He start to writing smth...

'Are you okay?'

Oh he just asked me if im okay...

Im just answer it with a nod.

'Im glad you okay. But may i ask who are you?'

Uhhh i dont know what my name is so what am i supposed to say?!

'Im error BTW'

Oh his name was error. Yeah i can even see his name on around of his body.

What should i named my self? Im quite dumb finding name. I should name my self is....

Error 404?

Its seems weird but i dont have any name hmmm.....

Jake? Nah its like a human name.

Lily? Pffft its for girl.

Castleton? Its very weird.

Error is watching me for so looonngg he migth wait for the answer...

Hmm fine lets named my self is Error 404.

"My name is.... Error 404"

Hes smiling and write again...

'Nice to meet you!'

Its was nice to meet her too but is he okay? Why he could talk like an normal person?

The deaf glitch {D!Error sans}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя