Chapter 2 |Deaf and mute|

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After 1 weeks pass NM always by error side. Sometimes NM telling a story about anything about how the situation at the mansion while error is not there. He always hope that error will get healed so he could come back and we could be together again!

One day after 1 weeks NM is worried cuz error didn't woke up yet. He starting to sleep and wait till error woke up.

After 3 hours sleeping NM felt like some one is stroking her skull.
When he saw the one who stroking him it was error. ERROR IS AWAKE.


Error doesn't respond his only give NM his sweet smile NM let out his happy tears. Finally his wishes has been answered.

"I-i miss you"

Error felt weird. NM just say something to her but he cant hear it. Error start to look around so he can find some slice of paper to write something.
Error finally found an little notebook with a pen. He was about to take it.

"E-eh?! Lemme take it"

NM who realised what error doing help her take some little note book that maybe never use or smth and some pen for her.

After NM take it error start to write smth.

What is he doing?

Then after error writing error show it to NM.

'I cant hear you'

NM shocked her eyes went blank.
Some tears falling from his eyes sockets. Error flinched and hug NM. After he hugged NM hes start to writing again.

'I cant talk neither'

NM now realised why he doesn't respond. He cant talk hes now mute. Error writing again.

'But its okay NM at least i can speak through notebook and some sign language'

NO!! its not okay error! (NM POV)

Luckily NM know some of sign language. Hes start to speak error with his sign language.

'How are you feeling? (NM sign language)

'Im good'(Error sign language)

'Can i sleep on your chest?'(NM sign language)

'Sure NM'(Error sign language)

NM laying his head to error chest while error is wipe his tears earlier then stroking his head softly.

Meanwhile with the bad guys.



"Guys remember NM said do not make a mess."(Dust)

"But NM doesn't here..."(Horror)

"He was with error. NM just wanna stay with error so he was with error all this week just keeping error save"(Dust)

"I hate to said this at this moment but... i ship them both"(Horror)

"Same dude"(Dust)

Back to the Errormare couple.

NM is really feel so good at sleep in error chest it just feel so warm and he could hear error's heartbeat... its like a music to calm him down. NM finally can calm now cuz error already awake now.
After error spend his 7 days in the hospital... oh yeah error already get some thing that for his non existence ear like he get some earape things for her so he could hear smth. medic and another doctor and nurse apologise in an sign language. Error already apologise them all. NM already chat with the gang and tell that error is mute and deaf. Once they heard it they crying alot NM and error calm them down and say it will be fine. Error's brother geno and fresh already heard about this only the charas and blue doesn't know about this error still want it to keep it a secret.

The deaf glitch {D!Error sans}Where stories live. Discover now