chapter 5

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As I got closer and closer to him I realized that he seemed so familiar yet so different , I don't know why I felt like this I also don't know why I wanted to sit next to him.

I got really close to him now and I sat down now. He turned to look at me with his left eye being red and the other yellow. Other than that from a frist glance this has too be Charles. Yet that's still impossible.

"I realize this is strange Chaiki but you're mind really never stops thinking does it?" He talked to me affirming in the way Charles always did there was no doubt about it he kept his promise and came back.

"Really is that actually you then Charles? " I looked straight into his eyes.

"Well my sister who else would it be ?" He laughs slightly , however his laugh was no longer as kind but more, in the sound of someone who's losing there mind. "Might I add I'm not crazy either work out what I am sister? You have your destiny you're supposed to slay are you not ?!"

What on earth is he going on about I don't slay? Slay what wait ... Vampires they are fictional are they not a figment of imagination they don't actually exist even then. I was told by a crazy person outside my house saying I'm the chosen one to bring about the end of them all. However they said there's only about 10 left all being pure of blood. After that they said that one would be someone closer to you. All of that is nonsense.

"It's nonsense is it ? Well prove something my little sister , why can I hear you're heart beat, why do I want nothing more than to taste your blood? Why is it that some part of me wants you to leave with me and not come back here?"

"I can't answer that Charles it's simply impossible is it not?"

"It's not impossible to you it's implausible. That's all i can prove it my sister , I promise you I can."

"Of course I believe you ! Show me . "

"With pleasure my sister can I ask how your long sleep for 3 months was for you?" He stood up now holding his hand out to me with a sort of grin on his face at least I think he probably is . Without another thought I take his hand . Of course I still trust him he's still my brother right. You agree right?

"Well off we go!" He picks me up and jumps straight off the castle roof without even getting damaged at all. I was very surprised that he even picked me up. He's carrying me almost like a bride . I really don't like it to be honest .

"Fine fine , I'll put you down now, and how I did it . come on you know why. "

I sighed as he put me safely back on the ground" you're a vampire right ? And I'm not imagining it either?"

" Correct you're not imagining it I am exactly what I said I am , now we need to go to where I stay now I want mother. There for reasoning . " He lied here it wasn't for reasoning you and me  both could think of what unspeakable things he will do very soon after. His mother got there.

"Sure , I'll get her here , just show me where " Chaiki herself didn't recognize that single lie he just told at that point.

The World Of Madness: Fallen royaltyWhere stories live. Discover now