chapter 4

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(translations of Latin at bottom, not 100% correct but I did have to use Google translate, as I can't actually speak Latin but know it's better to use it in that situation, I checked what it said it gets the point across)

The night rolled in I couldn't sleep there was no way I could not after my conversation with my terrible mother. I kept thinking about how it might come to be that the upturned earth could be what he meant by "don't worry I'll come back"

It's pretty dark right now however I know spells to lighten the place up I'll summon a little light, to guide my way. When I'm outside.

I take a small bit of sage just incase I need to protect myself against anything that might be near , who knows what angry spirts still roam these halls.

Soon I have made my way to the door of the castle with a creak of the old wooden doors and a bang as it closed I set to work to investigate what happened.

"luceat lux onto , ego viam inveniam via. praebueris potentiam tuam."  I say these Latin words out loud making sure I get each syllable right not fumbling on my words. As soon as a tiny little light appeared I knew I'd uttered the words right.

I followed the little ball of light to a clearing where alot of my old family members had died at some point and stopped in my tracks as soon as I saw that the grave in which my brother was buried had long since been destroyed as my brother was no longer even buried there is body wasn't there.

It looked as though he'd came back from the dead impossible , it's absolutely impossible ! There is no way in my life will I say people can come back from the dead! You'd all agree right? I'd say you would because a dead person doesn't just get up and start walking on its own.

That's not simply possible. I know that . But at the same time it looks like it's been broken from the inside . I feel like I'm being watched now that I think about it. I look around to see if I can notice anyone the only thing I see is someone sitting on the roof of the castle of Tallanaina.

None knew how to get to that spot other than me and my older brother . But he's supposed to be dead. He can't be alive! I notice now that his Red and yellow eyes are looking at me and his coat and hair is flowing gently in the slightest wind that has just picked up.

He seems so familiar I must have seen him somewhere before. There's no doubt about that but where. He can't be my brother he has blue eyes not that colour unless something happened to him?

Well it's kind of a given something happened to the body.

I can't go back now my legs are moving on pure instinct , and hop up towards the top of the castle to see who this strange figure is.He sits there not even moving waiting for me up there as if he really does want to see me , for some reason.

Whatever it is I just hope I'm not walking into a trap for I know. He's working for my mother to give me a quick and quite death tonight.

(Translations - luceat lux onto , ego viam inveniam via. praebueris potentiam tuam. =  let your light onto the road, I will find a way. lend me your power.)

The World Of Madness: Fallen royaltyWhere stories live. Discover now