chapter 14

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I ran right up to the point that had the most magical influence.  Taking a deep breath I look around hoping to find her but rather I didn't. Nor did I need to breathe.

Rather if I could have done so my heart would have skipped a few beats. It was the strange lady who had fell here earlier but she looked different. Something had happened to her eye , who do I have to harm. I'm kidding or am I.

"What brings you here , what happened to you were you attacked perhaps? Did you come back to see me?"  I asked her these questions , I knew her way of saying things back where always hostile and unkind. She didn't like me but she was very interesting to me.

"I've come to stop you dumbass you realize if you destroy this world you destroy me in the process and you , because I'm stuck here too, and I got an infection in my eye don't be so fucking stupid." Hmm she says she wasn't attacked but that's probably another way to throw me off the sent. Yet she is right at the same time however I'm not stupid either of course I wouldn't let her die , nor myself then we could have eternity together. That's all i want! of course it is this lady oh she is just so , well , i think you know. 

"Of course you have a point , really you do don't you, hehe of course i wouldn't kill you." I wanted to follow her will perhaps this time she wouldn't leave this time as that is not something i wanted i couldn't get that out of my head. She was haunting me like a continuous memory. 

"Good now don't think about it and go back to , you're petty castle while you are it it." i smile for a moment and walk off , she stared at me and went back away.  She must have been told of my plan , i did sense my sister over there. Maybe she snitched god they always will get karma. 

Now then none is around to stop me as my dear sisters have left they would , of course they would have. They are petty so very petty, come on at the first sign of danger would you run away of course not.  That is not what a Moon should do, where is there honor or pride , of course they lost it they all believed that there honor was different to mine. 

i did nothing wrong now did i? Come on i'm loving the haste the fire and the feeling of being king, however there was only one issues none here cared or even wanted to be around having the power to stop it. I have and i will do , just as soon as I make sure to contain and not take anything more than what I need.   

If I make a teleport spell to send everyone to another realm well all those I care about and myself obviously I do that , then they wouldn't die neither would i. Oh wonderful its set , Oh all in stone. lets proceed with the plan shall we! 

Taking into account i have nothing else left to lose , do I. My sisters are gone my family turned on me. This really honestly just makes me feel like there is nothing left.  But there is always something left, yet being alone its , strange this feeling it- no,  I do not feel anything. Who am i kidding its fine, and of course the stars , they all said that there would be problems.  So if they said there was going to be problems then if must be true of course it was true. Shh now don't go oh you're forgetting the plan i'm not.  Look I will get on with it but , look this means that  i'm denying her. 

Ok ok , fine. Here goes nothing. "Destroy this world end all that is around me collapse , collapse , disappear end for all to see go, go spare my loved ones, and old friends , those who I have talked to and once cared, push them across time make them fall into the next world over." that's all I remember.  For a while  anyways yet when I awoke , This place wasn't home and i didn't feel right like i'd died again. Impossible! Or is it?

The World Of Madness: Fallen royaltyWhere stories live. Discover now