Kayla said goodbye to Ayanna and went back to her work. She was making preparations for the Christmas holidays. Her staff were going on Christmas holidays, the second and third floor would be closed for the whole holidays. As for the boutique, casual workers were hired to work during holidays while permanent staff went on a break.

So far they have made deliveries to Diva Flawless Boutique and Vola boutique. Their boutique was filled with new designer dresses, she knew that people would be looking for dresses to attend Christmas parties.

Thinking about Christmas parties, she remembered Sibusiso telling her that every year his family hosted a Christmas party. Even though it sounded glamorous, Sibusiso told her that there was nothing warm and christmasy about it. He told her that it was bunch of rich people, each showing off about what they bought themselves for Christmas. Kayla pitied him, Christmas with her family wasn't necessary like in Christmas movies but it was the best time ever. They don't decorate Christmas tress or the house, rather they spend the holidays together as a family.

During Christmas day, she would wake up to the smell of her grandmother's cinnamon rolls. They would exchange presents, a cow would be slaughtered and they would meet with her grandmother's family to cook a big feast. Later on Kayla , her uncle and grandmother would seat around the fire roasting mushrooms. They would also listen to Ma'Agnes telling them stories about her husband and Kayla's mother. To them Christmas was all about spending time together.

When she was finally done with her work, she realised that it was dark outside. She saw a missed call from her grandmother and decided to call back. Ma'Agnes answered to tell her that she called because she got a call from a furious Thulisiwe claiming that Kayla was rude to her. Kayla couldn't believe the audacity of that woman.

When her grandmother elaborated how Thulisiwe went on about her and Sibusiso she held her anger in. Her spirit lifted when her granny told her how she put Thulisiwe off and told her that she had a right to move on. Kayla knew that her grandmother was always on her side. Her grandmother told her that she warned Thulisiwe to stop interfering in her life. She was surprised when her grandmother asked her to bring Sibusiso over for Christmas.

After the call with her grandmother, Kayla wondered how she was going to ask Sibusiso to go to Moremi with her. She didn't even know his Christmas plans, maybe he was spending Christmas with his own family. She was lost in her thoughts when she heard footsteps towards where she was.

"Hey baby." Sibusiso greeted, coming over to where she sat and giving her a kiss.

"Hey love. I got us takeouts, I wasn't in the mood to cook." She said when she pulled back from him.

"Takeouts are still fine. Why are you so tense? Is there lot of work at the office?" Sibusiso asked as he massaged her stiff neck muscles. His hands felt good as they glided against her skin. She moaned and leaned back, giving him a better access to her muscles.

"Do you have plans for Christmas? If you do I understand and I'm sure grandma will too." She rumbled on, confusing Sibusiso.

"My love you are not making any sense. What does my Christmas plan have anything to do with your grandmother?" Sibusiso enquired.

"She wanted me to invite you." Kayla clarified, chewing on her bottom lip.

"Kayla I would be blessed to spend Christmas with you. You and Ayanna are my family and I would like to meet the woman who raised you. I would like to appreciate her for doing such a fine job with you."

Kayla beamed happily at him. She stood up to kiss him and she pushed him on the chair that she previously occupied. She straddled him, her thighs on both sides of his. The flare short skirt she wore made it easy for her to straddle him. She kissed him with so much passion. She wanted him right there and then. As his hands moved to cup her breast, she unzipped his pants and held him in her hands. He was hard as a rock, she stroked him, provoking a moan from him. She decided to do something she never did with him.

Her lips went to his neck, she left a trail of lingering kisses from his neck down to his chest. She nibbled lightly on his nipples, a groan tore from his throat. He leaned back in the chair, letting her take control and pleasure him. She unbuttoned his shirt, her lips following a path down his abdomen to his penis.

She deeply stared in his eyes as she took him in her mouth. He was stunned, he just sat there, looking back at her with desire and lust. She gently slid the head of his penis into her mouth and lubricated him with her saliva. She gradually slid him deeper and deeper into her mouth until it was smooth for him to glide in and out.

She saw his eyes darken, a moan left his mouth and his Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed. She held his shaft with one hand and used the tip of her tongue to lightly lick the head of his penis. She tasted the salty taste of his pre-cum. Her tongues licked the opening at the top and she felt his thighs rise from the chair. His hands were gripped tightly on the arms of the chair.

She put him back into her mouth and sucked him. She could hear him panting heavily as she wrapped her hand around his penis and stroke him up and down in time with her mouth. His thighs rose to meet her halfway.
Her other hand gave his balls a gentle  massage while she increased suction on his penis. Groans and grunts left his open mouth as she increased her speed and pressure. He stiffened as his juices coated the inside of her mouth. He cursed as shots of cum sprayed inside her warm mouth. 

She swallowed all of his juices and rose from her kneeling position. She shifted her panties to the side and slid down on his semi hard cock. As it slid into her warm wet core, she felt it harden again. She rode both to them to a mind blowing orgasm.

Later during the night after they had their dinner she called her grandmother and told her that she will be coming with Sibusiso for Christmas.

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