Chapter 14

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It wasn't until the eighth day that something interesting happened. Bakugo and Todoroki were arguing about the best way to subdue an adversary who used long range distance attacks (Apparently they'd been having this argument for quite a while) when Saya noticed something strange. Almost, a quietness around her. More than anything tangible it was a feeling, and her years of living on the run had her subtly searching the area. Not many pedestrians, light traffic, what's that? She spotted the nondescript black van, and was immediately checking the buildings. Office, office, office, but what was the one that the van was behind? Her blood ran cold as she realized that they were on the rear end of the crime scene. Unless she was very wrong, this was a bank heist. There would be a getaway driver in the van. They needed to keep moving, to act like nothing was going on, and then maybe they'd have a chance to catch them all. Still, no way the driver hadn't spotted them, thanks to those damn uniforms.

"What is wrong with her?" Bakugo sounded annoyed.

"What?" She hadn't been listening.

"I asked, if you were up against someone who-"

"Hey Bakugo, I don't care." She cut him off. Then, talking quieter, she continued. "We need to turn left up here."

"Why?" Her brother asked, Bakugo losing the annoyed expression at her tone. "We'll turn left and then we can cut back above the buildings to catch the bank thieves." As she spoke they turned left, and to the guys' credit they remained calm, acting the part without looking back at the bank.

"What bank thieves, firesnot?" She glared at him, hating that this was his nickname for her, but answered.

"That black van was a getaway car. Looks like your team of robbers is actually a trio."

"But how do you-"

"Because it's what I'm good at." She snapped back at Bakugo, a little sharper than she'd meant to. "Because I used to do this all the fucking time in New York."

"Good work Saya." They'd rounded another corner. "Bakugo and I are gonna go deal with it. I need you to stay here."

"What?! But I-"

"You're not a hero and don't have your license to use powers at will on others." He stated firmly. "Now stay here, and please don't get yourself hurt." He was looking at her imploringly with those mismatched eyes and she crossed her arms.

"I want-"

"It doesn't matter. You're my responsibility and you're staying here."

"We don't need to be distracted with your safety while we're working." Bakugo put in.

Before she could retort they'd left, Bakugo utilizing his explosions to fly up the building while Shoto used his ice. They were on top of the roof in less than twenty seconds and then they were gone. Thoroughly annoyed Saya counted in her head. 27, 28, 29, 30. She'd given them enough of a head start - she at least wanted to see what was going on - and just like her brother she used her ice to get to the roof. There she lay in wait, watching, wishing she could do something. Not to be a hero. She reasoned with herself. Just to keep those two idiots safe. An unconscious smile played across her lips as she thought of them - despite everything she actually liked working with them.

A commotion, and a guy ran out of the back of the bank, a large duffle bag over his shoulder. She could hear shouting from inside, but he didn't wait for his partner, slamming the van door behind him. As the tires squealed she acted without thinking, creating an ice dome around the van and then solidifying the interior - they weren't going anywhere. A minute and a half later the doors burst open again, Bakugo running out. He skidded to a halt as he assessed the situation, his eyes going to the source of the ice. She couldn't tell what he was thinking, her whole attention on keeping the ice solidified. Whoever was inside had been trying to break out since she'd trapped them, and so she'd been continually using her abilities to keep them inside.

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