Chapter 8

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Light attempted to penetrate her eyelids and Saya groaned, not wanting to wake up, the events of the previous night coming back slowly to her. Taking stock of herself she knew that everything would be sore. She was still tired and hadn't healed from the few hits that had landed the night before. She'd been exploded a few times and hit by her brother's ice once. She at the very least would have bruises. The previous night she'd been too tired but now she knew she should check to make sure she was alright. Allowing her eyes to open she looked around, not seeing the hero... what had her brother called him again?... anywhere around.

Using her abs to sit up she couldn't help but groan and fall back down. She was Definitely hurting a lot.

"Fucking asshole heroes, dammit all mother fucking Tomura you little shit.." Her muttered curses were cut off as a shadow fell over her. Tilting her head slightly back she could see where he stood further behind her.

"Angry girl, aren't you?" He smirked, still obviously pleased with himself.

"A little help?" She asked, irritated already. "It's hard to get up with these cuffs on.." He walked over to her front, grabbed hold of her bindings and helped her to stand. Again she let out a groan.

"Apparently you're out of shape to be so sore." He said in a superior tone as he crossed his arms, looking at her as if trying to figure out a problem. As he did this she tried to stretch, to figure out the extent of her injuries. What she managed to determine wasn't terrible.

"I need your help."

"Why would I help you? We need to hurry up and get moving."

"I need to check my injuries, but my hands don't seem to be working for some reason." She glared, moving her bound hands slightly to make a point. "I'm pretty sure my legs and arms are only bruised but my stomach really hurts."

"I can't heal you, so just deal with it."

"Just lift up my shirt a bit so I know how bad it is." She quipped. His face went red at this statement and she mentally yelled at herself for forgetting how weird Japanese guys were about personal space - time in America had made her more liberal.

"You want me to-?" His face was as red as a tomato.

"Just do it." She snapped


Bakugo was facing her, arms crossed in refusal, but then they slowly uncrossed. He was nervous. Sure he'd been with women before but this girl was different. She was the sister of his partner, a villain, and someone he found dangerously attractive. He knew that he shouldn't be considering this, but it seemed important to her and it wouldn't be a bad idea to know if she needed medical attention. Hesitantly he took a step forward and gripped the bottom of her shirt. Looking down at her nervously she rolled her eyes, so he pulled. Saya screamed and crumpled to the ground. He panicked, eyes wide, not sure what to do. He'd released the shirt as soon as she'd yelled out.

"Fuck." Her voice hitched, and he could see tears welling in her eyes, serving to freak him out more. Of course he'd seen women cry before, but not villains. It just felt wrong. Looking down at her shaking body he noticed she was taking deep breaths, apparently trying to calm herself.

"What the hell?" He asked, not as harshly as he'd meant to.

"Sorry... I need you to do that again."

"Fuck that."

"The shirt has dried into my wound. I need to get it out. Believe me, this is less fun for me than it is for you." She was trying to speak calmly but her breathing was still uneven, ruining her attempt.

Hero vs. Villian (Bakugo x oc)Where stories live. Discover now