Chapter 13

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Following the day that Saya found her mother, everything changed. The two spent most of their time together. Saya and her mother Rei had made a pact - they'd get out of this place together. Shoto came to visit a few times a week. On his initial visit she was nervous that he might mention their oldest brother to their mother, but fortunately he didn't bring it up. Throughout the many hours together the three built a bond that Saya had only experienced previously with Dabi. It was odd, but nice. Although the other siblings didn't come as often, they also stopped by occasionally.

Finally after five months of therapy and boredom the news came. Saya and her mother Rei were being released, free to return home. Neither wanted to return to their initial home - the mansion where so many terrible memories had been made. Shoto eased their worries though. Apparently their father had built a second house where he promised to never visit. Although there was no proof behind her theory Saya believed that perhaps his own visits to see a psychiatrist had caused this. Not that she'd ever forgive him, but objectively she was able to be thankful that they would have a safe place to live, at lest until she got her own place.

On top of being released back into the public there was a catch. Saya would be working with Shoto for the first year following her release. The court had decided that she needed to be exposed to positive heroes, and her history with villains made her an attribute. She knew how they thought, so the theory was that she would be helpful to her brother's team. Grudgingly Saya had agreed - anything to get back out into the world.

On the day of their release the whole family (minus their father and Dabi) were there to welcome them home. Of course she'd reconnected with her other siblings slightly over her time confined to the hospital, but it was still a little awkward. Fortunately Shoto bridged that gap of awkwardness, and the group stepped out of the shadow of the huge building together. As they left, their mother Rei paused, looking back. She'd been kept here for so many years - and without thinking, Saya took her hand. This life would be better for them. A fresh start... kind of.

The new house wasn't anything fancy. Enough rooms for all of them, which was unnecessary as Shoto would remain in his apartment, though he stayed the first night with them. During those first few days Saya wasn't mandated to do anything in particular - just get used to her new living arangement. Despite being away for so long, Rei adjusted quickly. She was overjoyed to be in a home with her children, and stepped up to make food, play board games, and talk with them about what she was looking forward to now that they were reunited. By the end of the second day Saya was ready to be somewhere else. Having been independent for so long it was disconcerting to have people try to take care of her, as her older siblings and mother did. Life with the villians, on her own, or even with Bakugo for those few days hadn't been this stifling. Still, they were trying to be nice. She knew this, and so she gritted her teeth and tried not to feel too unnerved by everyone being so nice all the time.

Finally the day came, and 6am Saya was out the door. Shoto was waiting for her outside and she slid into his passenger seat. A relieved sigh escaped her - she was just so excited to be doing something again. Sitting still had never been her strong suit.

"Excited?" Shoto gently teased.


"I thought you didn't ever want to be a hero."

"I don't."

"Suuureee." He didn't sound convinced. Rolling her eyes at his hero uniform as well as his words, she buckled her seat belt and they were off.

The office was what Saya had been expecting - a tall building from the outside, a boring building on the inside. Walking next to her brother she passed desks, some occupied by sleepy eyed heros just starting their day, others still empty. Well, they were technically early. As they passed others she felt their eyes on her, but avoided any direct eye contact. Still, she'd recognized the green haired guy, and the girl who had trapped her in that damned blanket. Shoto must have noticed her slight scowl, because he spoke to her softly, in a voice that wouldn't carry.

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