Chapter 11

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Everything was sore. Again. Groaning Saya opened her eyes to find herself back in her cell. She remembered the previous day, feeling slightly embarrassed. She'd never tried to kill anyone before with her flames, but her father brought out the worst in her. Her embarrassment doubled as she realized that her head was resting on someone's legs, and she sat up quickly. Seeing the surprised look on her brother's face she relaxed. For a minute she'd expected it to be Bakugo, but that was stupid. Still, she was surprised to see her brother after everything that had happened.

"Shoto?" She asked hesitantly.

"Hey." He grinned sheepishly at her.

"What are you doing here?" She asked curiously. "You weren't arrested too, were you?" She teased.

He ruffled her hair in response.

"I talked to Bakugo, and I get it."

"" She asked curiously. Clearly not wanting to say too much where others might be listening.

"Yes. I do." She looked hopefully at him and he continued. "I should have known you had a good reason, but you should have just come and talked to me about it."

"I couldn't. I made a deal that I'd keep working for them if they'd leave you alone. I wasn't going to let you risk getting hurt again. Besides, I found a reason to stay."

"Hmph. You don't need to worry about protecting me Saya - I'm your older brother. I should be the one protecting you!"

"Let's just watch out for each other." She parried.  "Since you're really not much older than me."

"When you get out of jail."

"If I get out of jail."

He frowned at her.

"You'll get out of here."

She rolled her eyes at this.

"I'm a villain."

"No. You were forced to do things you didn't want to do. I'm going to get you a good lawyer, and you'll get out."

She shook her head, a wistful smile on her face.

"If you say so, Sho."

"Now that that's settled, how are your injuries?"

"They healed me my first night here."

"Good. Bakugo said they were bad."

"He was being dramatic."

"I believe him."

"Over your own sister?"

"About your injuries? Yes. Absolutely."

This made her laugh, and then he was laughing too.

"I'm curious. What happened earlier? I've never seen anyone overpower a cell before."

Her laughing cut off as she frowned.

"He was talking about how he was going to bring me back home to reform me." She scowled. "I'm never going to go with him again. He's a monster."

"He was a monster, and he's still not great, but he's a little better."


"I'm serious. But you didn't answer me - how'd you power up in that cell?"

"I just have more raw firepower than you do - more than he does too."

"But you can't do that in this cell." It wasn't a question.

"No, I think it must be weaker there because it's a larger space." She shrugged.

A guard rapped on the door.

"That's my cue." Shoto stood. "I'll be back to see you tomorrow after work."

"I'll be here."

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