[17] "I'm working on changing."

Start from the beginning

"I don't think I would be settling for Desiree."

Confusion was plastered on London's face. "So you like Desiree and Nevaeh?"

"I guess. I connected with Desiree when I met her. She's cute."

London groaned. "Ya'll are the most indecisive people I know! Can any of you make your mind up? Your love trainable just became a love square!"

That confused Sammie. Who else was confused? Love square? "What do you mean?"

"Nevaeh is the same way, she ..."

London was interrupted when Sammie's door busted open. Chris was standing there shooting daggers towards Sammie. "So this is what happens when I'm not around? You two jump into bed together?"

London sighed. "Oh shut up. You know I would never cheat."

Chris ignored her. He pointed a finger at Sammie."How could you do this to me? 4 years! 4 years of my life and you jump in the bed with her?" Chris shouted dramatically.

Sammie welcomed the jokes. The topic of conversation with London was too heavy for him, too emotional. London wanted to be a therapist and she was bound to have him revealing some secrets and expressing his feelings if they kept talking.

He played right along with Chris. "I'm sorry, she came on to me. You know I love you white chocolate." Sammie started pushing London away. "Ewww, yucky. Get away."

Chris chuckled from the doorway.

London got out of the bed. "Y'all aren't funny." She looked at Sammie. "You need to figure out what you want. I'll look out for Desiree."

Chris blew him a kiss. "Bye baby. I love the bruises, makes you look all rugged.

Sammie caught the kisses with his hand.

London dragged Chris out of the room. "Stop acting that way!"

Sammie laughed as he watched them leave.


Sammie couldn't hide in his room all night. 15 minutes after Chris and London left, he carefully placed the shades and hat on and went back down stairs. He paused when he walked fully into the room.

His parents were going to kill him.

People were every f*ckin where. So many people that they were moving like herds of cattle through the living room. "Sh*t!" The plan to have a quiet party wasn't happening. It was only 10pm, why the hell were there so many people at his house?

He snatched a random person by the collar. The young kid didn't look more then 15. "Who are you?" Sammie faintly recognized him.

He squirmed under Sammie's scrutiny. "I'm Daryl. I'm on the freshman basketball team."

"Who invited you? This was only an upperclassmen party."

"Quincy. Said it was an open party." Daryl pulled out a paper from his back pocket. "Here's the invitation."

Sammie saw red as he looked at the invitation with his address and telephone number. His first thought was his parents seeing it. If Quincy wanted to play he would show him a few things. He gave the invitation back to Daryl. "Go home."

Daryl ran towards the front door.

Sammie started moving through the house. It was a disaster. Food and cups were all over the floors. The couch where he left Desiree was occupied by 2 couples hunching. This was the last thing he needed.

He walked around but didn't see any signs of his crew. Where was Teddy and Nevaeh? Chris and London? F*ck where in the world was Desiree?

Someone bumped into him and alcohol was spilled on his shirt. Sammie grabbed the person and pushed them towards the door. "Get out!" He was done. "The party is over!" he shouted.

A few people groaned in disappointment but most wasn't really paying attention and continued dancing and drinking. He headed towards the laundry room to get a towel. He opened the door and found two people making out. He recognized Cameron and Alycia from one of his classes. He shut the door and went to his parents room to borrow his dad's shirt. He walked into the bedroom and found two more people in the middle of getting it on. He was pissed. It seemed like everyone was f*cking but him. If he couldn't get none, no one was.

"Get the f*ck out!"

He flicked the light on and was surprised by what he saw.

Teddy and Nevaeh were in bed together .

First time in his life that Sammie didn't have anything to say.


See you soon.
Tosha xoxoxo

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