Graduation Proposal

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A/N: Ahhhh this is it boys and girls the end of the story, thank you to everyone who's been reading since day one.

Narrators POV
It was the four girls and every seniors big day today. It was graduation day. The four girls in their own homes got ready for the last time for high school. They made plans to go on a trip the following night of their graduation ceremony, each girl one after the other accompanied by their family's made it to their school, seniors on one side and the families, friends and fellow students and staff on the other side. Sasha, Charlotte, Rhea and Toni made their way to each other. "Hey bitches." Toni said to the group and they smiled. "So this is it, maybe the last time we'll ever see each other at this high school?" Sasha asked her friends and they nodded. "Me and Sash are off to Orlando to take part in WWE tryouts, what about you guy?" Charlotte asked and Rhea responded. "Storm and I are taking some time off and probably going to travel." She said and we all smiled. "Parting ways won't be easy but we'll find our way back to each other soon." Sasha said before one of their teachers came over. "Hey you guys, ceremony is about to start caps on. Sasha and Rhea here are your valedictorian stoles." The teacher said and put them over their shoulders, then the girls put their caps on.

Rhea's POV
Sasha and I were seated in the front row and Toni and Charlotte in the second. I put my hand in my pocket and messed around with the ring box. The principal began with his speech then it went on to the teachers, soon enough it came down to Sasha the valedictorian. Sasha walked up to the stage and cleared her throat. "Good Afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. It is with great honor to be here right before you all. I would also like to thank the teachers and my parents for getting me here, almost a year ago I was just a girl transferring here from Fairfield, California and today I stand before you as one of the valedictorians of this graduating class. I'd like to let you all in on a secret of mine. I've been told that I'm dreamer, a person who aims for high ideals. Most times I've been told how impossible my dreams were and that I should just give up, not only that but I've been told that I'm a try hard, I try way too hard to make it to the top.
A few years ago I witnessed my cousin who attended high school here, walk across this stage as valedictorian and recite her speech, and that ladies and gentlemen is a goal that I have set for myself, and today I've achieved it. I worked my way to the top, made it here and I'm now graduating top student with a fellow classmate of mine. Rhea Ripley. A lot wouldn't have been possible with the help of her and my two other closest friends, Charlotte Flair and Toni Storm.
Fellow graduates, we must put in our minds that graduation day isn't the end, but instead, the beginning, a stepping stone towards a new step in our lives. At this moment, we are embarking for the voyage of life, an unknown sea, the future. So thank you to everyone for making this happen for me, I'm truly grateful and I'll make you all proud." She ended off her speech and walked off the stage and took her seat beside me as the principal walked back up to the stage. "Your speech was beautiful babe." I say to her kissing her cheek and she blushed. "Thank you Sasha for that beautiful speech and I will now like our other valedictorian Rhea to come up." He said and I stood up letting out a sigh then when up to the stage and pulled the small box with the ring out my pocket. "So I have the honor of being this graduating classes valedictorian and I don't think I could have written such a great speech as Sasha but regardless my speech wouldn't have been something academic related, it's something way different. The start of this school year has been pretty different, I met a girl, soon after I started to fall in love with that girl, the girl I'm referring to is Sasha. Sasha ever since I met you I've felt different, a good different. I haven't been so happy with someone until I met you Sasha. We spent almost everyday together and the time we spent together just makes me fall more in love with you. I don't think I could every stop loving you ever Sasha."  I say before hoping off the stage and heading over to Sasha and getting down on one knee in front of her with the ring in hand. "Sasha I've known you for almost a year and it's been the greatest time of my life and I don't ever want it end. Sasha will you marry me?" I asked looking up at her.

Sasha's POV
"Yes! A million times yes!" I say to her as tears roll down my cheeks, she then slips the ring on my ring finger and stands up embracing me with a hug. "I love you so much Rhea." I say to her and she pulls away from the hug and kisses me deeply. As we kissed, students, teachers and family members clapped for us two. We pulled away from our kiss and sat down to let the ceremony continue. I lay my head on Rhea's shoulder and look down at the ring on my finger and smile. The ceremony went on for another hour, they called our names and we talked across the stage taking our diplomas. "This is it guys! The moment you've all been waiting for." Our principal says and we all stand and remove our caps and toss them into the air. "WE DID IT!" Toni yelled out and hugged Rhea and she smiled. "Sasha Ripley in the making?" Charlotte says to me and pulls me away from Rhea and Toni for a quick moment. "A few months back during my party Toni jokingly suggested me and her get married and at the time I didn't think much of it until me and Rhea went out ring shopping for you and I picked up a ring for Toni and I want to propose but I don't want it to be very noticeable just chill just us four to know." She says and I nodded before Toni and Rhea walked over to us both. "You guys up for some food?" Toni ask us and we nod before going over to our parents to tell them where we're going then we went to her car and drove to the closet diner to get something to eat.

Narrators POV
The four girls made it to the diner and exited the car, they walked inside and sat at their normal spot. "I cannot believe we graduated, and the fact that I'll be getting married soon." Sasha said to her friends. "I know it's exciting, and congrats Sash. I just better be the maid of honor." Charlotte says and Sasha shook her head. "So Rhea why'd you choose to propose at the ceremony?" Toni asked. "Well Sasha and I met for the first time at school, so I took that into consideration and told Charlotte that I was going to propose to her on graduation day, she said it's a good idea and we went ring shopping. So really I just knew it would be a great idea to ask today since she graduated top of our class and will be out chasing her dream with her best friend." Rhea said and Toni smiled. "That's cute." She said in response to the explanation by Rhea.

Charlotte's POV
Sasha looked at me and Toni and I look at her confused until she pulls out her phone and my phone vibrates a little in my bag. I look and see and it's a text from Sasha which reads 'do it' and I let out a deep breath before grabbing the little box out my bag. "Hey why don't we play charades and I'll go first with Toni..." I say and they all nod. "I suck at guessing things so this will be something." Toni said and I smiled before putting up four fingers indicating four words. "Ok 4 words that won't be hard." Toni says and I place the box with the ring inside directly in front of her. "Charlotte, seriously?!" Toni asks me and I nod and she laughs, for a moment there I thought she was laughing at the idea of marrying me but she pulled out a small box with a ring inside and places it in front of me. "I was going to ask you, to marry me but the answers yes." Toni says laughing to make herself not cry. "So is my answer." I say and we place the rings on each other's fingers. "Aw you guys!" Rhea says and smiles. "Oh shut up don't make it weird Ripley." I say to her and she rolls her eyes. "I smell double engagements!" Sasha said happily and I smiled. "Yeah me too, I didn't think Toni would've asked, but she did before so it was obvious she'd ask again just didn't think today." I say to Sasha and she nods. "Life's full of surprises." Toni said and kissed my hand. "Well we didn't come here for no reason, let's get some food." Rhea says before calling a waiter over for us to order.

Narrators POV
The day went on for these 4 girls, they ordered their food and ate it. They laughed and smiled, they were all happy. Soon enough it was time for them to get back home and start packing. Sasha and Charlotte leave for Orlando tomorrow and Rhea and Toni leave to go visit their family back in Australia and New Zealand. It came upon the next day after graduation. Toni, Charlotte, Rhea and Sasha all met at the airport. "This is it guys. Our core four splits up but we'll see each other again soon." Toni said and Sasha frowned. "I'm going to miss you guys so much, I can't believe this is the last of us high school wise." Charlotte said and went in for a hug which they did and they all began tearing up. "Sasha, I know you'll kick some ass out there baby, I believe in you." Rhea said to Sasha and deeply kissed her, Sasha returned the kiss and smiled before they called for their flights. "Alright guys I'll see you when we meet again." Toni said and walked away with Rhea by her side as Charlotte went in the opposite direction to catch her plane to Orlando. "New beginning in life here I come." Sasha said as she caught up with Charlotte to catch their plane.

A/N: Thank you all so much for reading my story but this is the finale chapter. Maybe I'll make a second book you guys tell me. Bye you all much love😘❤️

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