Didn't Think I Could Tell?

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Narrators POV
It was about that time after school, Rhea went over to Toni's car and waited for her to begin driving. As for our beloved Sasha she was home since she left school a tad bit early and was up in her room developing pictures she took of her friends, strangers, cool attractions and of nature. "Hey Rhea are you really sure this is something you want to do?" Toni asked her and Rhea nodded. "I have to, I like her man and I don't want her hating me over a kiss that wasn't serious." Rhea said and Toni nodded and began driving to Sasha's. After a good 6 minutes drive Rhea and Toni were at Sasha's and Rhea got out the car. "Wish me luck idiot" Rhea said and made her way to the front door and knocked. "Who is it?" Sasha's mother asked and Rhea responded with her name and her mother opened the door. "Oh come in, Rhea." Sasha's mother said and Rhea did. "I'm here for Sasha is she home yet?" Rhea asked and her mom nodded. "Shes up in her room, you can go up, it's the pretty noticeable since it's the only door in our house with wrestling posters and other stuff." Her mom said and Rhea went upstairs to Sasha's room and knocked.

Sasha's POV
I heard a knock on her door and went to open my door. "Mom you kn- you're not my mom why are you at my door? More importantly why are you in my house?!" I questioned the short haired girl. "Look your mom let me in and I wanted to talk, ok so please let me explain." Rhea said slightly begging, I moved aside letting her into my room. "You have 5 minutes make it quick" I said as I shut the door behind her. Rhea sat at the edge of my bed and I sat by my desk. "So I know you seen me and Toni kiss but me and her aren't a thing we're just friends, she just happens to like me but I like someone else." Rhea explained and I could already feel my blood boil to the fact that Rhea told me she liked someone. "See the thing is I've liked this girl for a while you could say for a couple weeks, and it's been the first time ever since I've liked someone like that and I'm sure she likes me too which brings me to this, Sasha I know you like me and I'm sure you didn't think I could tell that you liked me but I like you too short-stack." Rhea said and I looked over at Rhea. "Maybe but that's doesn't change the fact that I saw you kiss Toni and that felt like a bullet wound to the heart." I said and Rhea nodded. "Well I'm sorry you had to witness it, not like it meant anything. It honestly surprised me when she kissed me." Rhea said and ran her fingers through her own hair and I stared at her with a smirked. "What are you planning? You're kinda worrying me with the smirk. Are you gonna kill me and bury my body 6 feet under and plant flowers on top of my body?!" Rhea said in a worried tone. "No dumbass, actually I was just thinking about how good it would look if I took a picture of you running your fingers through your hair." I said and Rhea let out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank goodness cause I thought you were planning out my murder but you can take the picture if you want." Rhea said and I rolled my eyes and picked up my camera, then signaled for Rhea to run her fingers through her hair again which Rhea did and I snapped a photo of it. "You know you're pretty hot but your a dumbass, guess that's how it works." I say after putting my camera down.

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