You And Me?

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A/N not too sure how this is gonna go but let's see together, this also takes place a few days after Rhea's discharged from the hospital.

Toni's POV
So far it's been me and Rhea at my place for a few days and it's her first day back to school after being in the hospital for a while. "Uh so I guess you wear sweatpants since they're a bit loose?" I said as I looked at Rhea who sighed. "Yeah sure, hand me the gray ones." She said and I handed her the sweats. "Need any help?" I asked Rhea who shook her head and found a way to get her pants on without much pain. "There I did it!" Rhea said proudly and stood up to grab her gray pullover hoodie. "All set for school?" I asked her as I grabbed my car keys and got a thumbs up from Rhea. "Let's go dude!" I said excited heading out the door and to the car and waited for Rhea who made it there a little while after her. "I miss my bike" she whined and I rolled my eyes and opened the door for her. "Get in big baby" I said and Rhea got in and closed the door, I went over to the drivers side and got in. "On the bright side it wasn't that bad of an injury so you'll be back in no time but for the next weeks you're on Toni time" I say and kiss Rhea's head then begin driving to school.

Sasha's POV
I made it to school a bit early and stayed in the car until it was time for school to start. "Maybe I'll see Rhea today" I said to myself while looking into the rear view mirror before checking the time. "7:45, I should get going now" I said and grabbed my backpack, got out the car and walked into the school building. I walked to my locker and switched out my books for class and felt a hand on her shoulder. "So I never got to take you out for ice cream.." Rhea said to me and I turned and hugged her. "Don't worry about it we can get it sometime soon but I have to get to class" I said to her releasing the hug and shut the locker. "Sasha wait, let me walk you to class" Rhea said before Toni walked up behind her. "Rhea you have to get to your class and you know you're not as fast as you used to be so let's go" Toni said to Rhea who rolled her eyes. "Bye Sasha, I'll see you later" Rhea said and went to class as I walked in the opposite direction to my first class.

Narrators POV
As the day went on Rhea and Toni were side by side except when Rhea had classes with Sasha, but other than that they were together. "I'll see you in last period T." Rhea said as she made her way to her second to last class. Toni had a free period so she went to her car and sat there. "I've liked her for the longest but why haven't I said something?" Toni said while putting her head on the steering wheel while sighing. "Maybe I should tell her? No? Yes? No, it'll ruin our friendship but I- I don't know what to do" Toni said in a slight panic. As for Sasha, she looked at the clock in her class as it was almost time for her to be dismissed from that class. "Can the time speed the hell up already?" She thought to herself as she put her head down. An hour went by and school was officially over for the day, students and some teachers left the building. Sasha was in her car and on her way home to get her camera. "It's been a while since I've done picture taking" Sasha said to herself while she took a left turn. Toni and Rhea were on their way back to Toni's house.

Rhea's POV
Lately I've realized I've been spending a lot of time with Toni and Toni's been acting strange as if she liked me or she's hiding something from me. "Hey Toni, we're best friends right?" I asked Toni who simply said "Yes why?" and I shrugged. " I don't know you just been acting a little strange today so I just thought you were hiding something from me but were best friends and you'd tell me everything right?" I asked and Toni looked around before answering. "Yes of course Rhea." Toni said a bit nervous.

A little later in the day.

Sasha POV
I headed to a field of flowers with a fellow classmate and long time friend, Charlotte. "Hey dude, you should pick one of the daisies pretend or actually smell it while touching a few others with your other hand." I said to Charlotte as I adjusted things for a perfect focus on my camera, Charlotte did as I said and waited for me to take the picture(s) of her. I held up the camera and took a few pictures of Charlotte then went over to show her the end results of the pictures. "My gosh Sasha these are amazing! You should be the schools photographer!" Charlotte said with excitement and I shrugged. "I'm not sure, I only do this for fun Char, plus you're the only person willing to let me take their picture, or maybe even Rhea." I said as small blush appeared and Charlotte smirked. "You just got here and you're already in love with Rhea, who are you cause the Sasha I knew doesn't date nor go for athletes let alone people.." She said and I hit Charlotte in the back of her head. "Haha very funny Charlotte, I'm not in love it's just a liking in her..yeah." I said. "Hey Sasha why don't we take a picture of you, go sit over there and I'll be behind the camera snapping your picture." Charlotte suggest and I shrugged. "Yeah sure, don't break my camera Charlotte or else I'll run you over" I said before sitting by the spot with little spots of flowers and posed. "Ah perfection in living form" Charlotte said as she took the two pictures of me. "You know Sash you should post these and put an attention grabber for the caption, I'm sure you'll get Rhea's attention" Charlotte smirked and I gave an eye roll in return, I then snatched my camera from Charlotte to check out the pictures. "Not too bad for a beginner, I'll post them and give you photo creds" I said as we walked back to my car. As Charlotte and I drove back to my house the song Olivia by One Direction played and we sung the words to the song.

"Please believe me, don't you see, the things you do to me? Oh I love you, I love you, I love, I love, I love Rhea" - Sasha

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