Teen Romance

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A/N: this takes part a little later during the day.

Sasha's POV
"Charlotte, hear me out on this one. Toni may be the best person out there for you to be with, so maybe ask her out on a date later?" I say to Charlotte and she gives me a look, "You just want those double dates with your best friend and your girlfriend's best friend, don't you?" She asked me and I nodded. "Those are also an option, but I actually want you happy and as your best friend I know that Toni will be that happiness for you." I say to her and she rolls her eyes at me. "Rhea tell Charlotte that she should be with Toni." I ask Rhea and she shakes her head. "I'm not interested in getting into this conversation, speaking of which Toni should be on her way back here so maybe you guys have the conversation with her and not me, plus I don't want to say something wrong then have Sasha murder me." Rhea said and I roll my eyes. "Smart very smart choice of yours Ripley." Charlotte said to her and walked outside of her house. "You think I should go after her?" I ask Rhea and she shakes her head and stands up. "I'll go talk to her." Rhea said and went after her.

Rhea's POV
"Charlotte wait up!" I say in a loud tone as I walk out the front door. "What now? Are you gonna be like Sasha and try to get me to date you best friend?" Charlotte ask me and I look at her questionably. "No, just wanted to ask why you don't date anyone, or go on a date with anyone, sleeping with Toni is a big step for you, you and I both know that cause once upon a time me and you were very close." I say to her and she looked at me. "Why don't you tell me why after Bianca you stopped dating anyone, Sasha's the only girl after two years that you decided to get into a relationship with, tell me what's up with that?" Charlotte ask me with a tone. "If I tell you then you have to tell me what's up with you and Toni, deal?" I say and she nods in agreement. As we walked around the neighborhood I began to explain why I haven't been with anyone in the last 2 years. "2 years ago middle of summer before freshman year I met Bianca, we hung out everyday as friends and we eventually we turned into something more. We ended up going to the same high school and you know things from school dating, everyone has eyes on you, rumors spread and all that other bullshit. I told her all my secrets, my problems, I told her things I couldn't tell my parents, I loved her so very much it was unexplainable, but most good things come to the end, last day of sophomore year, we had one small disagreement, that turned into a huge argument and we broke up, she told most of my secrets to people, and then she moved away. I was left at my lowest point in life when that happened, I couldn't imagine life without her but we broke up everything changed, and I definitely changed as a person. For the following two years up until now I've never been with anyone cause I'm too scared to let someone in like that and have them leave, but then Sasha came along, and she gives off a different kind of energy, she's wild at times and I like that, she's sweet and can be scary at times but I really believe that Sasha is what I need in my life. I really love her, she's been the best thing in my life this year." I say and I wipe away the tears that fell down my cheeks and I turn to Charlotte and see she's crying. "Dude don't cry! You're gonna make me cry, just uh wipe your eyes and tell your little story." I say to Charlotte and she wipes her eyes.

Charlotte's POV
"Wow, I didn't know that was the reason Rhea, but that's pretty crazy." I say to her and she shrugs. "It's life, but now you tell me what's up with you and Toni." Rhea says to me and I nod. "Well she's Toni, she's like you in a way if you think about it. She's just more girly not to mention she has long blonde and black hair and her eyes are a beautiful hazel color, she's a party animal for sure, she's a genuine person, but I don't think being in a relationship is something I want, relationships don't go well for me, everything either goes too quick or they're just in it to say they did it with flair then dumped her." I say to Rhea and she places a hand on my shoulder. "Toni's not like that, she's one to take it slow and talk things out, I can assure you if you were to get with Toni it'll be a great relationship, you guys are two nice, care for others not to mention you're both good looking so not only would you guys be a happy couple you'd be a good looking couple with friends who are also another good looking couple." She said and I smiled. "So I should give me and her a shot? See where it leads me and her?" I ask Rhea and she nodded. "Now let's go back to sasha so she doesn't set the house on fire accidentally, I'll race ya back to the house. First one there gets twenty bucks." I say and Rhea already began running and I followed behind her. "NO FAIR I DIDN'T SAY GO!" I yell and she flicks me off and turns the corner.

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