Party At Flairs' (continued)

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A/N: starting to feel some kind of way while writing the story😬

Narrators POV
As the night went on Sasha and Rhea had been up in a guest room of Charlotte's that over the time changed into Sasha's room since she used to spend the night whenever she could when they were younger, they laid together on the bed and talked. Toni and Charlotte drunkenly danced as the music played. "I love this song." Toni said as she moved closer to Charlotte while backing her ass up against her crotch, Charlotte paused for a minute not knowing what Toni was doing but she didn't really care, she put her hands on Toni's hips and slowly swayed to the music, as the music slowed down she wrapped her arms around Toni's waist and pulled her close. "I like this, dancing with you is amazing." Toni said to Charlotte and turned to face her and received a smile then a kiss from Charlotte. Toni kissed back a little hesitantly and pulled away slowly, Charlotte took Toni's hand and led her upstairs. "Trust me you won't regret anything." Charlotte said with a smirk. Charlotte led me up the stairs to her room, once the two made it in there Charlotte locked her door behind her. "Go lay on the bed." Charlotte said to Toni as she removed her own top. Toni went and laid on the bed and Charlotte climbed on top of her. Toni blushed at the sight of Charlotte on top of her topless, Charlotte leaned in and kissed Toni deeply with passion, Toni returned this kiss slipping in some tongue while placing her hand on Charlotte's waist. Charlotte pulled away and took off Toni's shirt and smirked slightly and kissed her from her neck all the way down to her stomach slowly as Toni let out little moans from pleasure. The night went on and the party died down, Charlotte and Toni's drunk love making continued.

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