Chapter 13- Adoção

Start from the beginning

I stand in his office and look around as Jax takes a seat. It hadn't changed in hers either except there was no longer a painting of Vincenzo and Alessandro but a painting of Jax and Gio.

"You can sit down you know?" Jax says gesturing to the chairs. I take a seat whilst looking down.

"It feels like I've been gone forever yet nothing has changed at all." I say shocked.

I got extremely bored in the office due to Jax just taking phone calls and signing papers.

When it was finally time we headed to David and Nicole's office.

As I step through the front doors I look around the office space. Me and James used to hang out here whilst waiting for Nicole or David sometimes. It hadn't changed it was still pristine and was quite white.

We headed to the elevator and up to the floor that David's office was on. Jax leads me to his office as me and James were never really allowed to David's office.

Jax knocks on the door and waits for David to open the door.

"Sorry Jax, I was caught up in litigation all-- Oh my god Lara." David says and pulls me into a hug.

We head into his office and take a seat opposite him.

"How are you and Where's Alannah?" David asks and I sigh and start to play with my necklace.

"Look David we both know that when I'm here something that I particularly didn't want to happen, happened." Jax says leaving David confused.

"Alannah was kidnapped. Now in order for her to be more safe we need to adopt her and we need it to look like we've always been her parents." Jax says and he nods.

"That's terrible but of course I'll help you. I was always trying to get Lara to become Alannah's legal guardian anyway." David says and I smile at him.

"We need this to happen pretty fast and well no one can know we're here doing this." Jax says and I look up at David.

"Especially not James or Nicole." I say and he looks at me confused.

"I love you guys and I've missed you all like crazy. But this is dangerous stuff. I don't want any one that doesn't already know, to know about Alannah. With Jax being here father now, we're more likely to return to New York again so we'll come and visit you I promise." I say and he nods and pulls some papers out of files.

After signing a hell load of papers David finally put them in an envelope. "Look this process is normally between 7 and 9 months, I'll try get it processed as fast as possible and text me when you find her." David says and I nod and hug him and thank him for his help.

"Do we need to stay longer or are we going to be called back to sign more things?" I ask and he sighs as he writes on the envelope.

"You'll be fine to go back now I have everything signed and if there isn't something that's signed I'll send it to you or something." He says and I nod and thank him a last time.

Jax basically dropped me back off at the house before he went speeding off.

I headed up to the guest room I was staying in as we were going back to Brazil tomorrow. Except instead of flying back to Sao Paulo, we're going to fly to Porto Algere and join the raid.

I text Carter the outfit I wanted him meet me with in Porto Algere tomorrow.

I spent the evening with Amara, we went into the city and had dinner there. We had a wonderful evening and it was nice to have a friend that was a girl and be able to get along so well.

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