Chapter 3

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My friends reactions were shock, denial, and sadness, and in Kagami's case, anger. I just giggled in the background while they clung to me like I was their lifeline, and Kagami destroyed a pillow with her katana. 

"Wait, then why are you friends with me? Aren't I going to hell? Can you see our souls? Is that why you said the class will go to hell? I thought you were joking!" Chloe suddenly exclaimed, catching all of my friends attention.

"Chloe, first, you are not going to hell. You're soul was in the clear ages ago. Yes, I can see souls, and yes, that does mean that I actually meant it when I said the class is going to hell."

"Wow..." Chloe said, sitting back. Adrien was still sitting in silent shock. Suddenly he frowned.

"Ok, so you died when you were five, and God decided to let you live out your life because you could help the world, but you'd go back to haven and become a goddess once you've lived all parts of life, right? Then when would you go back to haven? Can you still die? and will you still be able to visit after you go back?" He asked.

"That is correct. I'd probably go back to life after I've lived the best, and worst parts of life. I'm guessing it'll be after Lila does something worse than she already has. I can still die, and if I do, I won't become a goddess. I can visit if I don't die. I also want to do a few things when I go. First, I'll be destroying the miraculous and setting the Kwami's free when I go, and the second is a surprise." I say, smiling at them. "For now, we all have a sleepover, and I'm gonna hope I become a goddess soon, since Lila is becoming unbearable."

They all chuckle. The rest of the day is spent playing games, having sing-offs, an Akuma, truth or dare, and other games, until they all passed out, both excited and dreading school the next day.

As expected, school the next day was unbearable. Lila claimed to have helped Ladybug with the Akuma the night before, when it was another hero that actually did what she claimed she did. It was so annoying. Other than that, not much happened. Marinette and her group left for Marinette's house at lunch. When they came back though, they were pulled off into an empty classroom by their classmates. All of them were scowling, and the friends then caught sight of Lila with fake make-up bruises. 

"How could you?" Alya asked Marinette. As Kim, Ivan, and Nino held Alix and Chloe down, Marinette having been just pushed against the wall. "How could you beat Lila up? She's such an angel, and you just have to be your devilish self and do that to her. I can't belive I was ever your friend. I at least still treasure the friendship we used to have, no matter how fake it was. I won't hurt you, but you deserve it." She stepped back, turning away, and then taking the crying Lila from Juleka's arms, hugging her. Then the rest of the class (Mylene, Max, Nathaniel, Rose, and Sabrina) wen't up to Marinette and started to beat her up.

Once they were done, Marinette was beaten, bloody, and bruised. Chloe and Alix rushed forward to help her. The class was about to leave as Marinette was sitting up. Before they left, she said one last thing.

"It'll be over soon." Marinette said, looking out the window. The class frowned and tried to ignore it, but it stayed on their minds for the next few days.

To Be Continued...

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