Chapter 4

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Marinette's friends immediately got Marinette to the hospital after the incident in the classroom. Marinette stayed there overnight, but was discharged the next day with Tikki's help in healing all major injuries. The next day, as she couldn't go back to school, Marinette spent planning everything out. She told her parents about being ladybug, and about what would happen, then made a trip to the news station to have them let out a notice for an announcement by Ladybug the next day. 

After school, all her friends came over to her house to say goodbye. That night, Marinette lied in her bed, thinking about all that had happened in the last few years. She smiled at the thought of finally going back to where she belonged, and at the prospect of finally letting the kwami's go, and of course becoming a goddess. Oh, and the surprise. Oh how she was looking forward to that last one. 


Marinette stood on her porch in her brand new white dress and heaved a great sigh. Then she transformed and swung towards the Eiffel tower. There already were several helicopters streaming live from the very top, waiting for her to arrive. Nadija was standing at the top with a camera man, ready to stream everything Ladybug was about to tell all of Paris Ladybug let a smile grace her features before swinging up to the very top. 

Carefully, ladybug landed behind the reporter and signaled her to start the stream from her side. Once Nadija was done making the initial announcements, she introduced Ladybug, and she walked in to view, taking over the show that everyone in Paris (including the schools) was watching. 

"Hello Paris. I am very glad to have been your heroin for the last few years, but I'm sure all of you want this to end. Hawkmoth has been reigning terror over our home for far to long, and I will now be able to end it all." Her smile widened. "As a small bonus to all of you, and as I will soon be gone, I will be revealing my identity. But first, I'd like you to tell you a story. My story...

...A long time ago, a little five year old girl died. She had the kindest soul, and it just, flew away. Her parents were devastated, and didn't want to tell anyone because of how much everyone liked her, so they sat by the bed on which she lay and mourned." Ladybug jumped on the fence that protected people falling off, the camera followed her movement."The little girls soul traveled up, up, to where all angels go, but she was special, so she got to see the Godof the afterlife. He told her than she was to young to die, to pure. He promised her that one day, when she saw all aspects life, both good and bad, would she be able to come back to his world, and because of who she was, she would be granted powers. So the girl went back to her family, to her friends, and lived her life, trying to make everyone the best version of themselves, and she succeeded. But one day, another girl appeared in her life. A girl who's soul was tainted so, that  it was hard to see any light in it at all. But our not so little girl still tried. It didn't work. The tainted girl slowly pulled all of the angel girls classmates within her clutch, tainting their souls so much that it overpowered the light, except for the few that were the pure girls friends." Ladybug jumped off onto the edge behind the protective fence. 

"The angel girls friends helped her as much as they could, but eventually, the tainted girl pushed to far. It was time for the angel to come back to where she belonged. But she was now also a hero, so she decided to do a few more things before she completely left." Ladybug took a deep breath. "Tikki, spots off." She de-transformed in front of the camera. "Her name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng." And Marinette fell back.

Everyone watched in shock as the camera view switched to one of the helicopter's, and they all watched as Ladybug-, no Marinette, fell off the top of the Eifel tower. Closer and closer she came to the ground, and just as all the adults were covering the kids eyes so they wouldn't have to watch her die, she started shining. With one big whoosh! Marinette flew high up against the side of the tower and above, into the clouds. Her great white wings carrying her high into the sky. She shined in all the colors of the rainbow and her angelic voice carried across all of Paris.

"As the Guardian of the Miraculous, and the newly named goddess of destiny, I reclaim all lost miraculous and free the kwamis of their imprisonment forever!" Marinette exclaimed. She shined brighter if that was possible, and a wave of light washed over Paris. Several brightly colored lights flew from the city and into the sky to those who could see them. Once the light faded, Marinette flew down and settled on the tip of the Eiffel tower. Her voice now easily carried over the city without need for a mic.

"The Kwamis are now free, and thus, Hawkmoth has lost his powers, nor will he be able to get what he was looking for." Marinette smiled. "And as a present to my friends, and to free our world, I'll be taking the tainted girl down to hell tonight, so she will  no longer, or ever again, hurt anyone." One last light shines in the city, and with that, Marinette raised her wings, and flew off into the sky.

The End!

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