Chapter 1

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"MARINETTE!! YOU'RE LATE!!" Shouted Tiki. I shot out of bed saying a quick thank you while getting dressed and gathering my things. "Bye Maman, bye Papa!" I said as I rushed out the door.

I practically flew to school, somehow not even out of breath as I sat down next to my best friend at the back of the class. Her soul just recently passed into the area of Angels, so now she was practically my mother. Me and the rest of my friends actually called her Mamma-Bee. 

"Hey, Chlo!" I said with sarcastic enthusiasm. 

"I know, today's going to be horrible, again, no need to remind me." Chloe grumbled. I just giggled. 

"Don't worry, the whole class is going to hell when they die."I assured her, even though she didn't know that they literally would. I giggled again as she hugged me.

"I really hope they do Mare-bear. So, how are you?" she asked pulling away as Mrs. Bustier started the lesson after taking role. 

"Oh, you know, the usual. Staying up all night designing, texts from my bullies, can't wait for our sleepover tonight. Alix and Kagami have been waiting to get away from the liar for ages." I said sighing.

"I can't wait to get away either, it's gonna be such a fun weekend!" Chloe said a bit too loud, catching the attention of a certain liar. 

"Mrs Bustier?" Liar asks.

"Yes Mlle Rossi?" Mrs Bustier asks, turning her attention to her student.

"I can't find my phone anywhere. I think someone took it. I remember Marinette falling down near my seat before class and it looked fake, but I'm not sure. Oh! I shouldn't have said that, now it makes it look like she took it when I have no evidence, I'm so sorry!" Liar exclaimed, turning on the waterworks. 

"Oh no Lila! it's not your fault that girl has a habit of stealing phones, come on, you can look in her bag." Alya comforted the crying girl.

"WHAT! I'm not letting that liar look through my things just because she lost her phone!" I yelled as Alya brought her Liar over to  my desk. I grabbed my bag, holding it to my chest, scowling at the liar.

"Mari, if you're not hiding anything, there's nothing to be afraid of." Mrs Bustier tried to assure me.

"The only one I'm letting go through my bag is Chloe! You're not the Angel here Lila and we both know it." I seethed. I really hope my time here on earth ends before something bad happens.

"Chloe, can you please look through her bag then?" Asked Mrs Bustier, only for Lila to turn on the waterworks again. 

"No! Chloe's working with her. We can't trust her not to leave something out." Lila sobbed. I growled.

"Fine, call the principle then, let him look through my bag!" I said through my teeth. Sending a glare Lila's way. She was a sinner and I could see it, so it doing so didn't damage my soul. Mrs Bustier sighed.

"Lila, are you sure you didn't misplace it?" She asked. 

"Oh and Marinette came in late Lie-la so she couldn't have taken your phone" Chloe piped up as Alya walked Lila back to her seat. 

"Oh, silly me," Liar said holding up her phone, "It was in my sweater the whole time! I must have confused Marinette with someone else. I'm so sorry Marinette, It's all my fault!" Lila exclaimed the crocodile tears coming again. The two girls in the back just rolled their eyes as they received glares from the class that  was comforting a sobbing Lila. 

"They're so dumb!" Grumbled Alix from her seat. Adrien gave us a pitiful gaze. He wasn't allowed to do anything because Lila worked for his father, but he already apologized and said to quit on the high road, so he was on our side. Once we revealed our identifies, we settled on being honorary siblings.

That Evening-

"...And they just glared at us for, "making Lila cry"! I can't believe someone can be so stupid!" Alix finished explaining the mornings events to Kagami. 

"Dumb indeed." Kagami agreed. "The Liar needs to be stopped before the class gets physical for Marinette "bullying" Lila. We all know it will happen eventually." 

"Agreed. That class is ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!" Chloe exclaimed. I just giggled. 

Maybe them physically bullying me is what I need to get out of here... One can hope, right? I thought.

The rest of the sleepover we played games, and I wondered, what will bring me to go back to the sky? 

The night was interrupted by an akuma attack, which Ladybug, Chat Noir, Lady Honey and Dracona quickly defeated, and then ended when we all stumbled into the room exhausted and immediately fell asleep. I dreamed of being back in haven. 

To Be Continued...

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