Fight with the Leader.

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The night was still young as i fought with Chrollo. He was impressed by my nen ability as i showed off to the first person i've let see. He eyes keep getting drawn to my veins glowing green from power, the same facination the animals on the cliff in Jappon had.

"Chrollo, Danchou', please pay attention to the fight. I am looking forward to how this power holds up." i smirk, my hair loosening from the neat ponytail, my shades sliding down my nose.

Chrollo looked back at my revealed eyes, the red contacts disolving from sheer power and uncovering my neon green iresses, "Ah, my apologies..." he trailed off questionly.

My smirk formed into an evil ooking smile, "you should have already guessed who i am from the news, but i guess your to entranced with your books to notice."

"I'm guessing i should ask why you know about my books but im to curious about your background, sir handsome." he chuckled.

"Oh, thank you for the complement... Let me formally introduce myself."

He nodded, his guarded body language betraying his actions.

"Nice to finally meet you, Chrollo Lucilfer, I am Aiko Furukawa. The first and only in line to the throne of Jappon and daughter of the Emperor," i say, enjoying his surprised face, "But, for tonight... For tonight I am a prince, not a princess"

His expression of shock and surprise turned into overflowing curiosity. I could almost see his brain working and forming millions of questions, but he quickly set his face into stone.

"Ah yes, the unexpected princess." Chrollo said.

His hand barely flitted but i caught the movement and reacted on the nick of time, just barely blocking the indoor fish; one of the many nen abilities he stole.

I attacked second, my emotions clashing. One side of me was trying not to drool at Chrollo's exposed chest and hella attractive face and the other was rising anger at his unfainess of his side of the fight.

My attack was simple, simple thought, that sent my power into action.

Water molecules in the air formed into sheets of sharp waves, capable of cutting through steel. The attack was not noticed by my opponent until it hit him, sending Chrollo flying to the ground, his shirt ripped and a long scar leaking blood on his back.

He easily stood up, wiping the trickle of blood leaking from his lips away, the action sending blood to my cheeks.

I swear something is wrong with me.

The shades i wore fell of my ducked head. I had lowered my head at Chrollo's sight, trying not to expose my fangirl on the inside.

"God, my glasses, they where expensive too." i swore.

"That was a good hit, but didn't anyone tell you never to let your guard down?" Chrollos voice echoed in the room.

"shit..." i mumbled as i saw the unblockable blow of his attackes, the never ending blows making me cough up blood.

I admit that my stratigies where non-existant and reminded myself that i've never accually had a proper fight in well-


That being my only weakness, Chrollo easily beat some sort of sense into me and led me to accept that i haven't any fighting experience in my life, and that could lead me to my undoing.

"Ugh" i mangaged to hack out, even if it was only a grunt.

His never ending attacks broke my legs, arms, ribs, bones that i didn't even know existed.

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