First stage.

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Following the strange man that introduced himself as Satotz, we headed of onto the road.

Starting off walking slowly turned into jogging and then running.

I wasn't tired at all, more like exited to see how long this run would take. I know for a fact that I can run for two days at most before I absolutely cannot go forward.

I found myself running next to the boys from before on the dock.

The green haired kid approached me,

"Hi, I'm Gon! I heard from Tonpa that your also here for your first time!"

"Yeah...I'm Aiko, nice to meet you." I say, a ghost of a smile dusting my face.

"Hey, that's cheating!" The older man with them said.

I looked at the kid he was pointing to. It was a kid, he looked around the same age as Gon. He had white hair and pale skin, with blue eyes sparkling with a challenge, but expressing boredom.

He was riding a skateboard instead of running like anyone else.

But his aura was a dark cold black void. It gave me the chills.

He's dangerous, better avoid him. I made a mental note.

"No one said that you had to run though, Leorio." Gon said as he ran beside him. He's called Leorio, noted.

"Gon's right." I agree twisting my upper body towards Leorio.

"Who's side are you on, Gon, Aiko!" He shouted, defeated.

"How old are you guys?" The white haired boy asked.

"I'm 12!" Gon said.

"I'm 16." I say.

"Cool, I'm 12 too. I'm Killua by the way." Killua said.

"I'm Gon!" He smiles.

"I'm Aiko." I say, slightly happy that I've somehow been able to make friends.

Falling back, I let the two boys talk. I fall into step with the blond from before.

"I'm Kurapika, I'm happy that you got along with Gon." He said. Looking at me.

"Hi, I'm Aiko...nice to meet you." I say. Omgieeeee, he talked to me!!!

"Why're you doing the exam?, if I'm allowed to ask." I ask, hoping I'm not being to intrusive.

"I'm trying to get stronger so I can avenge my family." He says glaring straight ahead. A red glint in his eyes. Crap, I brought up a sensitive subject. "What about you?" He asks.

"I'm going to get the license to help me travel easier so I can look for my father." I say, not bothering so much that I'm spilling my secrets to someone I don't really know.

"Oh. Why do you wear the mask?" He asks.

"It's kinda a personal thing."

The reason that I wear it is because I don't want people too see my face, because it caused my mother problems too, for being beautiful.

"Oh, sorry then." He apologizes.

"It's fine." I say.

We run in silence for the next hour or so. The run seems to just keep going and going.

I'm finally grateful for my high stamina. And my training.

After a while I see a huge staircase coming up. It seems to go on for ages.

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