The second stage.

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"Im Menchi, and today I'm gonna test you. My friend here, Buhara, is hungry so you're going to be tested on cooking!" Menchi said in front of the recently opened doors. Buhara, who looked like a giant, was sitting next to her.

A loud rumble could be heard throughout the whole area we had to cook in.

"What was that?" Someone said.

"It's Buhara's tummy rumbling, so get to work on your cooking!" Menchi shouted, " and the main ingredient is wild pig!"

Hearing another rumble from Buhara we all rushed out of the gates, in search for said wild pig.

Following Gon, Killua, Leorio and Kurapika, we made our way into the forest.

Using my tracking skills and Gon's excellent sense of smell, we quickly found the pigs, but ended up sliding down a hill in the process.

"Uwaaaa!" Gon shouted as he slid down the hill, quickly folllowed by Killua and the rest of us.

As Gon came to a erupt stop, we all tumbled on top of him, Gon first, and then Killua and me, Kurapika and Leorio last.

Feeling the front of Kurapika press up against me I blushed, eternally fangirling.

He quickly said sorry and I swear I could see a faint blush on his face as he turned away.

Spotting the group of the pigs, we headed their way. They heard us approaching. Or maybe they sensed us?

After a while of attacking, Gon realized that the forehead was the weak spot, and thats why they had such a big upturned nose.

Grabbing my daggers I stood in a stance've pose. Quickly analising the pig's movement, I attacked, throwing the daggers at his exposed forehead. Both of them hit its head, a couple of millimeters apart. He died and hit the ground in a great cloud of dust.

"Nice work, Aiko-Chan!" Gon complemented.

"Thanks Gon-kun!" I smiled, even though you couldn't see it through the mask.

Grabbing the pig by it's ankles, I started dragging it across the forest, back to the cooking area.

Along the way I saw some herbs and I decided what to make; stew.

Reaching my cooking table, I started cutting and carving the animal. Cleaning the excess blood of the meat, I started getting the tools i needed. A pot.

Chopping up the meat, some patatoes and some veggies, I threw them in some water in the pot. When it started to brew I added some spices and extra toppings.

The aroma seeping out of the pot, caught the attention of some of the examinees around me.

Once it was ready, already half the contestants had served there food. They all failed. It was either overcooked or undercooked, or just plain pig.

Getting slightly nervous, I stood inline with my two bowls of homemade stew. It was a special recipe I learned when I was working as a maid. The personal chef taught me how to make it.

The one bowl was normal sized, but I made the other a gigantic for Buhara.

"Next!" Menchi shouted, annoyed that nobody had served her anything worthwhile.

I nervously stood up on the platform and served them the stew.

Eyes sparkling as she eyed the food, Menchi sniffed the aroma coming off of it.

"Finally, some good food!" She cried as she reached for her spoon and dug in. Buhara simply grabbed the bowl and slurped the beverage out of the pot sized bowl.

//𝘙𝘌𝘉𝘖𝘙𝘕♡जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें