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This will include the Phantom troupe. Mostly them actually.

"Guys look!", I did a little spin, "like my costume?"

My costume was a demon outfit. I was dressed in tight fitting black dress, the fabric riding up on my hips every time I sat down. It hugged my curves and made my collarbones stand out.

The dress barely reached my mid thigh and it had spaghetti straps. Lace lined the rim of the chest part. I wore black accessories such as black cross earrings, a spicked choker, torn fishnets and black heels.

And what made the fit about Halloween was the fact that I had fake fangs, devil horns, and a spicked tail.

My red contacts made me look evil and my black hair just added to the effect.

I smirked at the looks that several guys gave me. The girls where hiped and I loved their fits too.

"Verrry spooky Aiko, totally terrifying..." Feitan snickered, hiding his face in his collar.

"I think you look immaculate, dear Aiko" Hisoka said, licking his lips.

"Back off Hisoka, I ain't want any of your clown ass tonight." I said.

Everyone laughed, and even Chrollo chuckled a little.

We all headed to the underground part of town, ready to start scaring people.

The fact that they where the troupe was already scary but I made it funnier to see them all dressed up.

Feitan was a vampire, Hisoka was a clown, Chrollo was a ghost, Uvogin was a wherewolf along with Phinks, Nobunaga was a ghoul, Machi was a demon like me, Shizuku was a witch, Franklin was Frankenstein, Shalnark was a mummy with Bonolenov and Pakunoda was a ghost too.

All of our costumes where also pretty well made.

The first victim was a man in his forty's buying a drink from the supermarket.

As he walked past a pair of black rubbish bins, Chrollo and Hisoka sprang out from behind them and screamed at the man.

We where all in hysterics even after he left after cursing the heck out of them. I was clutching Uvo while trying not to roll around on the ground from laughter.

We probably looked insane; a group of dressed up monsters and all of them mass murderers except me.

The next scarers where me and Feitan.

We sat behind the bins, me giggling at Feitans face and almost falling from my crouched position.

And then a woman walked by, her grocerie bags full and heavy. She walked pretty slow and me and Feitan prepared for the moment she would walk by.

Right at the moment she did we both jumped out and screamed,


She jumped so high her bags fell out of her hands.

This treatment continued until I complained.

"I want to eat candy!"

"Me too!" Nobunaga and Uvo chanted with me, annoying Chrollo into buying us sweets.

He finally nodded after many attempts and we happily headed off in a large group of ghosts, vamps,demons and zombies.

When we arrived at the convenience store, the old lady at the counter gasped and then smiled.

"You guys have some pretty cool costumes there." She chuckled.

"Thank you!" I smiled.

I told the others to say it too, and they all muttered a thanks.

Me and Shizuku giggled at the lady's obliviousness.

She gave us a bucket of lolly's and sweets, chocolate and candy. I was delighted and I stole some from Hisoka's bowl, saying that he didn't need so much.

We all laughed and headed out of the shop, thanking the lady and waving goodbye.

"Phinks! Give me a piggyback ride!" I yelled at him before jumping onto his back.

He yelled back, swearing and all. He didn't shove me off though.

My chin rested on his shoulder as he lifted my legs a little higher than before.

Playing with his fake wolf ears, I hear Pakunoda speak,

"What should we do next?" She asks.

"I want to go back." Chrollo answers.

"Ok, then we can eat our candy there!" I happily say.

"Mhm." Machi says, he gaze directed at my smiling face.

"We should take pics! I'll save them as memories." I suddenly say.

Uvo agreed to let me sit on his shoulders so everyone could fit in the picture.

Uvogin is fairly tall so he had to squat a little, which was absolutely hilarious for me.

The pic turned out great, along with several more.

I munched on my sweets as I remained seated on Uvogin's shoulders for the rest of the way back to the base.

"Happy Halloween guys." I smile.

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