Chapter Two

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Summer's Pov
"A- what... A heat what are you talking about?" I found myself muttering in confusion, shaking my head fast quite a couple of times. shuffling around almost stumbling around in my heels a bit.

"I don't know what a heat is, but I think I'm just really sick and I need to go home, thank you though," I muttered making around him, I couldn't deny the scent coming from him was beyond amazing.

I found myself stumbling out of the bathroom, my body just felt all strange and tingling all around, as soon as I was out of the bathroom all these scents hit me all out of nowhere.

What the fuck... Why does my body feel almost... Wet. I whimpered a little pressing into a random body when the scent hit me.

"You smell good," I whispered hugging the random person.

"Holy shit... Her scent smells like fruit and honey..."

"What is that smells." I felt my arm was grabbed quite roughly and I made a small noise of protest but it was the same alpha form before he was pulling me right back into the bathroom fast.

"Hey listen to me alright? You are in denial but you are an omega and you are going through a heat, you are releasing all the pheromones out for alphas. You wanna mate with them. Just tell me your address so I can bring you home... I guess I can bring you to my home." I scrunched my face up a bit holding my head a little slowly resting my head on his chest a bit.

"I just wanna go home and smoke.." I sighed a little still muttering to myself. He grabbed my hand swiftly unlocking the door pushing through the men and a few women he yanked me out the building pulling me with him outside he yanked his phone out a bit.

"I can't be an omega... I've always been a beta," I exclaimed out into my hands deeply feeling my heels were being taken off. I just slumped on his bed a little feeling my body was shaking quite a lot.

"I've always been a beta I don't have a scent," I muttered out deeply. I didn't even know this man's name but he did have a resting bitch face and grumbled a lot.

He was talking on his phone for a few minutes. "You are in a lot of denial, you are an omega okay? Look may I?" He muttered sitting on the bed with me. I felt my thighs quivering for some odd reason when he came close.

"Sure I don't care, my whole life has been a lie anyway." I felt him shifting my dress a bit.

"I need your permission, girl omegas are different from boys. I can already smell your slick." He muttered flicking his eyes to me.

"Are you saying you are gonna be going in my panties?" I muttered letting my hands fall a bit signing.

"My body feels like it's dying why do I feel wet," I grumbled.

"Causes that's slick, how do you not know your body?" He questioned.  I felt him tug my panties down a bit and I just felt all this wetness rush out before I felt him pressing his fingers into me.

A low squeak left me at the loud squishing noise that suddenly filled the room.

"Your body is more sensitive, and during your heat when a alpha's sperm/knot gets inside you can get pregnant, and there's the spot." He looked so nonchalant for having his fingers pressed inside me, his index finger pressing up on a spot inside me.

I quickly covered my face fast with one of his pillows which probably wasn't a good idea cause of just override my senses with his scent.

"Why does it feel good!" I freaked out quietly getting a small whimper to escape past my lips slowly.

"And that's just your body wanting to mate." I moved the pillow feeling him pulling his fingers out, well he was attempting to but my walls seemed to just clutch on their own slowly.

"What the hell... I don't have control over my body." I whispered quickly trying to sit up a bit.

"I'm sorry... My body won't listen to me. " I whispered quietly biting at my lip he stared at me in shock, but I watched him lean in just slightly his nose brushing across my neck a little making me inhaling feeling him nuzzling his nose.

"This is your scent gland." He muttered quietly before his fingers were slowly massaging and moving inside me making me squeak and gasp out my body slowly getting covered in a thin layer of sweat quite fast.

My black dress was clinging to me, but I looked a mess with my dress bunched up to exposed my thighs, panties pushed to the side with an unknown alpha's fingers inside me.

"Are the pills not working?" He asked quietly moving his head away from my neck "I don't know... Everything just feels strange." I whispered a little staring into his eyes deeply.

He heaved out a quiet sigh. "I shouldn't even be doing this... I shouldn't even be caring about a random omega in heat... But I'll help you But we aren't having full sex." He muttered staring into my eyes even more.

"That's fine with me," I muttered taking a deep hard breath in.

"My name is Summer." His eyes flicked away from my thighs for a minute chewing at his lip.

"My name is Dojin."

They Never Know (Love Is An Illusion)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora