Chapter 8

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Cleo's POV

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A pit sat at the base of my stomach as I ran through my closet. The nervousness that usually came before a party was much different than whatever I was feeling right now and I believed Olivia to be the culprit. Going to parties with Andrew was one thing, but I had never wanted so badly for one night to go well.

I continued to rummage through my closet before I came across what I was looking for; My standard outfit for when I wanted to look cool, but not like I was trying to look cool. It was just a black top and red skirt: Make-shift armor. I put it on and stared at myself in the mirror.

My nerves hadn't calmed and my expectations weren't reasonable, but I couldn't help feeling excited about everything. And now, staring in the mirror at myself, I decided I was going to have fun at this party.

* * *

Matthew's house looked like the kind you would see in movies. The slick, modern exterior, the wild music blaring from windows and doors. I looked up the driveway before texting Via.

Me: hey, u already here?

Via: I'm like 15 min away. No need to wait. Start having fun!

Me: u sure?

Via: Go ahead, Cleo. I'll catch up in a little.

I shut off my phone and stepped out of the car, a little less enthusiastic than before. As soon as I walked through the door, I was greeted with loud music and the smell of alcohol. Usually, I would head immediately to grab a drink but, after talking to Via in the bathroom, I sort of gathered that tonight would be one free of intoxication.

"CLEO!" a voice called out from the crowd of dancing bodies. Matthew poked his head out.

"Hey," I said as he walked up to me.

"I'm glad you could make it, " Matthew said, running a hand through his hair.

"Yeah, thanks for the invite. Your house is... Super cool."

"Thank you," he said cheerfully. "It looks a lot cooler without the huge mob of people but, you know."

I laughed and looked around. Most of the people here I either knew or had seen around the halls, but a few faces looked unfamiliar.

"So," he said. It felt like he was cringing at himself every time he spoke. "Who's the friend you're bringing?

"Uh, yeah. She's running lake. It's... Olivia Hansen."

Matthew's eyes widened at the name. "You're hanging out with Olivia Hansen?"

"Yeah, well, she started tutoring me and, uh-"

"That's insane, man." He sounded tipsy. I wanted to hide in the bathroom until Via got here. "Insane."

"Is it?"

"I mean... She's just so stuck up and you seem really chill."

"Well, she's not stuck up, " I added. "She's really cool, actually. You should talk to her tonight."

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