Chapter 20

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Hello, lovely readers! We are resuming the regular switching between POV's now. Just so that we steer away from confusion, this chapter is behaving like the first two chapters of the series. We are seeing Cleo's POV of prior events. (AKA, what Cleo was doing while Olivia and River were hanging out.)

Okay! That's all. Enjoy 🤍

Cleo's POV:

I woke up that morning with the worst headache of my life.

Most likely, this was the universe getting back at me for everything I'd done in the past month. Kissing Via, taking it back, and falling for her all over again. The universe could tell I needed a kick to the head.

After laying in the dark for an hour, it became clear that my head wasn't getting any better, so I got up and started getting ready for work.

"Fuck you too, Universe, " I whispered towards the sky as I pulled on my uniform.

I stood in front of the mirror to tie my hair back in a ponytail before finally taking in a breath. My room was a mess, my eyes felt puffy, my head ached. Today was definitely not my day. I entered the kitchen, bag in hand, to find Will leaning against a counter.

"Hey, Bug," he called out through a mouthful of toast. "Where are you headed?"

"Work, " I responded.

"When are you gonna be home?"

I didn't answer, instead grabbing the spare of toast from his plate and headed toward the door.

"Cleo! You'll be back before 11, yeah?"

I bit into my toast and sent him a wave. "We'll see!"

Will liked to put on this character where he'd parent and check up on me. Sometimes, I liked it, but it mostly made my stomach hurt. Every time my brother acted like a dad, I wondered if I was doing something wrong. But, having to grow up quickly would do that to someone. It's either you begin acting like a parent or become a parent's worst nightmare and I suppose that's what Will and I became.

I quickly made the trip to Speedy's, running through the back door once I arrived.

"Cleo," Angela said. "I need you to work the register for a little."

"You got it," I replied, tying my apron and slipping past the kitchen doors.

I only got through the first five costumers of the lunch rush before a familiar face made their way into the shop.


"Shit, " I whispered, causing the old man who was paying to frown. I quickly took his money and ducked behind the counter.

I raised myself slightly higher from my ducked position to look into the kitchen. Stella had her back turned from me, making it basically impossible to get her attention and swap places.

"Fuck you, Universe," I whispered for the second time that day before standing up.

"Hey! Welcome to Speedy's, what can I-"

"Cleo?" River said.

I didn't want to look up from the register in front of me. If I could, I would've curled up behind the counter and waited for the crowd of people to pass, but I had to muster a smile.

"River, hey!" I said in the most painfully energetic voice I could manage.

"I didn't know you worked here," they replied.

I nodded, trying anything I could to not say something bitchy. "Yeah, I have for a little while now. Uh, anyway, what can I get for you?"

"Are you still seeing Andrew Locke?"

Jesus Christ, just order.

"No, we broke up a little before the break."

"Oh, I'm sorry," they said, shuffling a bit on their heels. "You guys really... Fit together."

Fuck this. I might as well get on their nerves.

"Yeah, well, Via talked me out of dating him in the bathroom Thursday. I guess she didn't want to see me hurt. She's really caring like that, " I smiled.

River frowned for about a second before nodding.

"Yeah, uh- Anyway, " they said. "Can I just get a diet coke and a medium order of fries?"

"Sure thing, " I said as I wrote down their order.

*  *  *

I got home later than usual after picking up an extra shift. I was exhausted after working the whole day and fell directly onto the couch.

"Cleo, " Will said, walking into the living room. "I've gotta get to the shop in 5 minutes. Where did you put the keys?"

"Kitchen counter, " I murmured, my eyes still closed and my head halfway into a pillow.

"Thanks, bug. I'll be home around 11 tonight. I love you."

"Love you too, " I called after him as he departed through the front door.

And finally, I was alone. I sunk into the sofa for a second before my phone buzzed beside me.

Grade alert for Cleo Roberts.

I groaned before clicking on it, nervous to see what I was failing now.

Biology: 48%

"Fuck you, Universe, " I whispered for a third time that day.

I wasn't surprised, really. I had been trying pretty hard in that class but it was impossible without help. Maybe that's what I deserve for falling for my tutor. Returning to tutoring was definitely out of the question though. I don't think I could possibly be alone with Via for an hour twice a week and not end up messing things up again.

In the silence of my house, the idea finally occurred to me: Maybe I messed things up too badly. Maybe Olivia and I could never become what we were before. Maybe every time I got close to someone, my mind started blaring that it wouldn't last. I was doomed to always shove away people I cared about.

My thoughts were interrupted by three sharp knocks on my front door.

What did Will forget this time?

I got up from the sofa and went to answer it and, where I expected my brother, was Olivia. It was freezing out but she didn't look uncomfortable. More nervous if anything. I creased my brows at the girl.

"Via? What are you doing here?" I asked.

She took in a shaky breath. I expected a paragraph of answers, but all she got out was, "I..."

"Are you alright?" I asked. "What-"

And suddenly, she pulled me in, our lips timidly connecting. Wait, what? I slipped out of her embrace, trying to assemble what just happened.

"Shit, I'm sorry," Olivia whispered.

I let a wave of cold air soak up her words as I realized just how tired I was of pretending. Of shoving away my feelings and pushing people aside. All I wanted was to kiss Olivia Hansen. So as quickly as I could, I pulled her back into me.

And every other part of my day was erased. Suddenly, the universe was on my side again.

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