Chapter 22

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Cleo's POV:

That night, I couldn't sleep, and for once it didn't bother me.

It was approaching 2 AM and all I could think about was Olivia. Touching her, kissing her: everything. I was kept up by someone who wasn't even there.

I wished she was there.

I wished I could hear her voice.

God, I need to hear her voice.

I reached for my phone in hope that Via might be awake. It was a stupid thing to do, and I had to do it, because for some reason she was all I could manage to think about.

As I went to tap her call button, a notification popped up.


I smiled as I answered. "Hey."

"Hey," she whispered. "I couldn't sleep."

"Thinking about me, Hansen?"

I could hear her stifling a laugh as she replied, "In your dreams, Roberts."

"You're cute when you lie," I turned onto my back, the phone still pressed up to my ear.

"I wish I could've stayed at your place longer," she said.

"I know. So do I."

"Wait," she said. "Oh, god- I'm an idiot. You have work in the morning. I'm sorry, did I wake you up-"

"Relax, Via. I couldn't sleep either, " I mumbled.

She giggled on the other end. "Thinking about me, Roberts?"

"Yeah, I was," I answered. "Wanna guess what I was imagining?"

"You're terrible."

"Am I now?"

"Absolutely," she said. "You sound tired. I should let you sleep."

"Alright. Try and get some rest, I know it must be hard having me on the mind."

"I'm sure I'll manage," she mumbled back.

"Goodnight Via."

"Goodnight Cleo."

* * *

Christmas Eve was in 2 short days and I wasn't particularly excited. The holidays were never really celebrated at my house besides the obligatory tree and occasional gift. We couldn't quite afford anything else but neither of us minded. It still seemed perfect.

When I was younger, my parents at least tried during Christmas. It was the only day a year they put in an effort to seem happy with one another. They'd kiss under the mistletoe and exchange gifts and try hard to make it feel like the rest of the year didn't exist. It all seemed so devastating, seeing them act normal knowing the next day would go right back to their shouting and separate rooms.

I looked over to where the mistletoe used to hang, a lone nail still hammered into the doorway. I sort of wanted to pull it out and slip myself inside the hole it leaves. Beside me, my phone chimed.

via <3: HEY! So my mom takes us skiing every Christmas and Daniel usually comes with us but he's in Greece... So I was wondering if you might wanna tag along? + Will, ofc :)

I smiled and tugged my phone toward me.

Me: that sounds so fun wow, i'll check w will

I made my way to Will's bedroom and knocked on his door. When he opened it, I could tell he had been asleep. His hair was ruffled and his eyes puffy.

"Sorry," I said, "But, Olivia invited us skiing with her family for Christmas... If you want to go."

He shook his head. "I have work Christmas Eve. Sorry, bug."

I stood in the doorway for a moment before grabbing the door to prevent him from shutting it.

"You need to take a break. We should go."

"No, Cleo. Taking breaks is irresponsible., " he mumbled.

"You think just like Olivia. It's only a few days, Will-"

"A few days now means a few days we don't eat next week, " he said, now raising his voice and opening the door fully.

"That's dramatic."

"No, it isn't," he huffed out. "You don't get it, Cleo. I'm the one who has to work so you can have a better life."

I could feel his anger building, and it was starting to frighten me. "That's not fair," I said, quietly. "I'm working, too."

"Whatever," Will replied, making a move to close his door. I stopped him before he could.

"Hey, stop," I said. "What's going on? Did something happen at work?"

"No, Cleo. Can't I just be tired?"

"You're being a dick."

"I'm fucking tired. And you're on my last nerve."

I furrowed my brows. "Jesus, what's the matter with you right now?"

"I'm just sick of you acting like this," he said, shaking his head. "Not listening to me. Blowing off school. You don't even realize how good you have it. I'm the one who had to drop out. I'm the one-"

"Don't kid yourself, Will, you did not drop out."

"No, I just gave up my whole life to raise some 12-year old whose parents booked it, " he said.

"Some 12 year old? I'm your sister. You didn't really have a choice."

"That's right, " he said, his voice building into a yell. "I didn't get to choose. And to this day I don't. You're allowed to fuck up- and god knows you've fucked up- but me? I was sixteen, man. I wasn't supposed to be..." he stopped speaking to meet my eyes. "You know what, Cleo? You can go fail out of school, and spend your weekends at parties, and- and ski with some rich family, but don't come back when they fucking leave you." I blinked back at him, his face red and fists balled up. "They all fucking leave you," he whispered, looking me up and down.

"Wow, " I let out in astonishment. "You act more and more like dad every day."

He recoiled, his face and hands softened. "Bug, I-"

"You're not the only one who's made sacrifices. I mean, do you know how it feels? To have to carry this guilt around all the time? Shit, Will. I just wanted to be a kid, and you made it impossible. I couldn't focus. I couldn't make friends. Why do you think I stopped trying? It's because you're right, Will, " I yelled back, my voice weakening. "They all fucking leave me."

Before he could get another word in, I went into my room and slammed the door behind me.

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