Chapter 26

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Cleo's POV:

I took a breath and pressed the phone against my ear. There was a long beat of ringing where I thought he might not answer. But then-

"Hey, bug, " Will said.

"Hey," I responded, leaning against the bathroom door. It felt better just to hear his voice. "Merry Christmas."

"That's not till tomorrow, " he responded.

"Whatever. Merry Christmas Eve," I said. "What are you doing?"

"Well, " Will said. "I have a shift in about an hour. How's skiing?"

"Tiring. But fun, " I said. "I wish you were here."

I heard Will release a long sigh before responding.

"I know, Cleo. I... I should've gone with you. I get how you feel about this time of the year and-"

"You act like you didn't go through the same shit, " I interrupted. "I left you alone. We are supposed to stick together."

There was silence before he spoke again.

"Do you remember, when you were little- 4 or 5- you would go out and catch garden snakes in the front yard. I was fucking terrified of them."

"Yeah, you never liked reptiles, " I smiled.

"Mhm, " he said. "Anyway, you were always begging for me to come to look at the snakes and I would always say no. It wasn't because I didn't love you, bug. I was just scared," he said, and the end of it faded off a bit, like he was being cautious.

"You don't have to be scared," I said. "I just... I need my brother."

I could hear him exhale on the other end.

"You stopped catching snakes once dad left," he whispered. "I missed it."

"I'm sorry," I said. "I'm coming home soon. After Christmas."

"I know, bug. I love you."

"I love you too."

*  *  *

Ms. Hansen and Allison left at 8 AM, and Via and I slept in till noon. I had to have spent a good hour wrapped in her arms, just watching her sleep. I didn't understand how she could be so beautiful all the time. I had never seen a part of Olivia that I hadn't liked. She stirred closer to me before her eyes opened.

"Good morning baby," I whispered, running a hand through her hair.

She smiled sleepily, her eyes shutting again.

"Good morning," she mumbled into my chest. "It's Christmas."

"Mhm, " I said.

She looked up at me, blinking slowly.

"Have you been watching me sleep?"


"Why?" She laughed.

"You're nice to look at," I said, and I watched her start to blush right there. "I should tell you that more."

"You're an idiot, Cleo."


A few minutes later and we were up, the bedsheets pressed into two body-shaped caves of blankets as we stood beside it. I was glad the others were at the slopes this morning, it left us hours to be alone together. We took our time getting ready.

Via stepped out of the bathroom first, her hair freshly blow-dried and dressed in a sweater in jeans. I loved how she looked out of uniform, or in uniform, or in anything. Olivia could wear a trash bag and she'd still make me swoon. Jeans were my favorites, though. I smiled at her and got up from the bed I was seated at.

"You look nice," I whispered in her ear as I got close to her.

She smiled, biting her lip a tad as my breath brushed across her skin. I backed her up against the wall close to the bathroom, kissing her as she leaned against it. My hand rested against the wall, holding myself steady as we moved in sync. I pulled away after a moment, grinning and stepping into the bathroom. I heard her tut in frustration as I shut the door.

I showered quickly and dressed, taking a minute to stand in the mirror and memorize what I looked like in that moment in time. I didn't want to forget it anytime soon.

"You ready?" Via asked, standing.


She approached me and played with the collar of my shirt.

"I have a surprise."

* * *

I had followed Olivia out of the lodge and into the cold mountain air. It nipped at our skin as we walked, but felt almost refreshing. I took a deep breath, swallowing the coldness and allowing it to sit with me. Skiing may not have been my greatest skill, but I could get used to the mountains. It was nice to clear my head.

"We only have a little while to walk, " Via assured me as we crossed the street, our ski resort fading into the background behind us.

We looked at shops on our left and right as we made our way to an abandoned shop. The door was closed but unlocked and the windows were decorated with faded posters. Olivia glanced around to see nobody was looking before opening the door and pulling me inside.

"Via," I whispered. "What are you-"

"I've done this loads of times. Don't worry."

"Is this not trespassing?"

She glanced over at me and grinned. "Live a little, Roberts."

She guided me up a staircase and a ladder to the roof where a picnic blanket was spread out against the concrete. There was a basket stuffed with various foods. Via smiled nervously, spreading her arms.

"Do you like it?"

"You did this?" She nodded, tucking her hair behind her ears, and I smiled big. "I love it."

I did. I really, really loved it.

We sat together and she started to pass me cookies and sandwiches and juices. She brought enough food to feed an army. I wasn't complying.

"When did you do all this?" I asked.

"I woke up an hour before mom and Ally left. I was surprised I didn't wake you."

I smiled at Olivia. "You're perfect."

I took a bite out of a cookie and it felt like the greatest thing I'd ever tasted. "Shit," I said, and she laughed, and it sounded like the sun had come alive in her lungs. "Did you make these?"

"God, no. I'm an awful cook. Allison baked them."

I smiled. "Finally we found something you can't do."

She laughed and punched my shoulder. The sun was shining and the snow glowed beside us. The mountains felt like they were leaning in to look at us, like the whole world wanted what we had. We sat, quietly eating and talking some.

I felt content.

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