Chapter 15: Marinara and Red Wine

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A/N: This begins where chapter 14 ends, and I know its been a while since I last posted, so you might want to reread the last part of chapter 14 so you're not confused. Also, sorry but this took ages to write, probably because its more than 2x longer that normal (Its 3000 words and my normal chapters are around 1300)

"Dinner's ready baby!" Chloe called out from the kitchen.

"Coming Chlo!" Beca said from the couch, where she lay on her back scrolling through Instagram.

"Should I put on a shirt?" Beca asked, getting up to walk over to where Chloe had set the table. She was still in her black lace bra after she had to undress after she got covered in lasagna ingredients.

"Oh, there's no need for that. It just makes cleaning up a little easier for me." She said with a smirk, dipping her hand in the marinara again and smearing it on Beca's chest.

"Hey! Not funny, Chlo." Beca scolded playfully, giggling as she slapped her hand away.

"Can you get some wine out?" Chloe asked, gesturing to the cabinet on the other side of the room that contained countless bottles of red wine. She grabbed one bottle at random and quickly inspected the label, and gave it a nod of approval.

"Baby get me two glasses please." Beca said, as Chloe took the lasagna out of the oven and placed it in the center of the table. Beca frowned as Chloe served them each a piece.

"What's wrong?" Chloe asked with a concerned look.

"Can we eat on the couch, mom?" Beca asked, giving Chloe her adorable puppy eyes that she knew she couldn't resist.

"Yes, darling, but you have to promise to not spill anything." Chloe said, activating the parent side of her that she knew Beca loved.

"Yes mom." She replied excitedly and practically ran back over to the couch, nearly spilling her wine and lasagna all over the floor. All Chloe could do is chuckle to herself. Beca was probably the most adorable little child she knew, who also happened to be twenty one years old.

Chloe slid onto the couch next to Beca, and immediately dug into her food, while Beca just sat there staring at her.

"Becs, you're staring." Chloe mumbled through a mouthful of food.

"Sorry, I can't help it. You're just way too beautiful." She said with a smile, nuzzing her head into Chloe's neck as she twirled the girl's auburn curls around her finger.

"Can I sit on your lap?" Beca asked, her voice slightly muffled by Chloe's hair.

"Of course!" Chloe said excitedly, putting her plate on the coffee table temporarily as she used both hands to guide Beca into her lap. The brunette rested her head on the arm rest, letting her butt fall between Chloe's legs, and she bent her legs at her knees so her feet came to rest on the other side of the redhead's right leg.

Chloe kissed Beca gently on the forehead before reaching forward over the brunette to grab her plate.

"Feed me please?" Beca pleaded, once again employing her puppy eyes on Chloe.

"Open up." She said with a giggle, bringing a forkful of lasagna down to Beca's mouth. Beca opened her mouth and closed her eyes, expecting to taste lasagna. But what she got was parts of her dinner all over her face. Somehow Chloe managed to get it everywhere but in her mouth.

She should have expected Chloe's next move, but it somehow still caught her off guard.

"Oops." She said innocently, bending over to kiss and lick all over Beca's cheeks, doing a subpar job with the cleaning, not like Beca really cared.

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