Chapter 1: First Encounter

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“I’m bulletproof,
Nothing to lose,
Fire away, fire away,
Ricochet, you take your aim,

“You CAN sing!!!” interrupted Chloe, after casting the shower curtain aside.

“Dude!” Beca exclaimed, in complete and utter shock, while throwing the shower curtain back in between herself and the redhead.

“Oh my god…” Beca muttered, as Chloe opened the shower curtain back up again, and Beca just stared at the ginger’s fully naked body standing in her shower. ‘Wow…’ she thought to herself, thoughts racing a million miles an hour through her head, trying to process all the emotions she was feeling at that one moment.

“Beca-” Chloe said, but she didn’t hear it, deep in a trance of thought, still staring straight at Chloe’s junk. Suddenly, she snapped out of it, the redhead’s voice echoing through her head. She immediately realized what she was staring at and turned a bright red tone and she averted her eyes up to above Chloe’s head. 

“You need to audition for the Bellas,” Chloe said. Beca had found herself staring at the other girl’s bikini area again.

“I can’t concentrate on anything until you cover your junk” Beca immediately informed Chloe. The ginger did nothing to cover it up, instead she decided to take a step closer to Beca.

“Just- consider it” Chloe demanded, showing no intention of leaving Beca’s shower cubicle any time soon. Beca neglected to answer her, while trying her best to look away from the redhead’s startlingly impressive body. 

Chloe decided to take a different route instead.

“You were singing Titanium, right?” The redhead asked, knowing the answer anyways. “That song is my jam… my lady jam.” Chloe said, winking at Beca, which earned her a look of shock and fear from the brunette. 

“Can you sing it for me?” Chloe asked, feeling a little bit turned on, nibbling her lip, waiting for Beca’s response. 

“Dude, NO!!! Get out!!!” cried Beca, obviously getting frustrated with the redhead’s persistence. 

“I’m not leaving her until you sing.” Declared Chloe, crossing her arms in front of her, still making no intention to cover up herself, and locking eyes with the brunette. 

Beca’s eyes said ‘really? You're gonna make me do this?’ She let out a quiet sigh, and her eyes drifted down to the tiled floor of the shower, taking interest in whatever wasn’t Chloe’s groin area. 

    “I’m bulletproof,
    Nothing to lose-”

Beca began to sing, and now joined by Chloe

    “Fire away, fire away,
    Ricochet, you take your aim,
    Fire away, fire away,
    You shoot me down,   
    But I won't fall,
    I am titanium,
    You shoot me down,
    But I won’t fall,
    I am titanium.”

Beca couldn’t hide the smile that crept onto her face, the two girls, who had their eyes locked together for the entirety of the song, now just stared at each other, oblivious of the fact they both lacked clothes.

Chloe took yet another predatory step towards the shorter girl, their bodies now just inches apart. The redhead glanced down at Beca’s breasts, as if she were contemplating in her head whether or not to make a move on the brunette.
Chloe was so caught up in Beca’s boobs that she didn’t process the fact that she could tell that Chloe was staring. 

She immediately glanced up, again meeting Beca’s eyes again. The ginger’s face turned a light shade of pink as she blushed, letting out a slight embarrassed smile.

“What was that about???” Beca asked, starting to realize that she already knew the answer. 

“Uhmm… I just… they’re really nice.” Responded Chloe, gesturing to Beca’s breasts.

“Is that right?” Beca said jokingly, as she grabbed her shower supplies and retreated out of the cubicle, Chloe turning to watch her leave, staring at her bare backside.

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