Percico one shot *smut*

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This is a world where Nico is 20 and Percy 24 they are camp counselers. Percy
Found out hé was a demigod at the age of 9...


I walk trough the Doors of the Poseidon cabin, dad has done a pretty great job. Hé didn't had any other children except for Ariel... Hé had it with his hook up. Hé had it the Day Paul and mom got married. Not coincidince... Well I got to name her and she suitsss Ariel. She has red hair and red lips. She is 13. Born Just after my birhday. She goes to camp half-blood ever since. 'Wake up Ariel!' 'Percy..' She grunts. 'I will Let you sleep longer for five minutes but be on time for breakfast. 'Yeah...' and soft snores start to come out of her mouth again. She kinda is mad at me these days. "I Hate that you broke up with Annabeth! She is perfect!!" She would say on a daily basis. Annabeth is perfect. As my best friend. I am gay. Nobody knows it except for Nico. He asked me if I was and I couldnt lie. When I feel umcomfortable I talk with him. But now I made myself into a mess... I like him. But he is straight hé said from the beginning "I want to talk to you and with you about it but Just as Friends."
I haven't talked to him in a while. Just to akward. 'Percy?' 'DAM Ariel you scared the shit out of me!' She walked closer with her Bright Red messy Hair. 'Maybe you shouldnt stand against the door then and let al the light in!' she pushes me away and closes the door with a bang. Dam that girl is mad. I walk away sitting in the water waiting for the breakfast Horn to blow. Teachig sword fighting is fun. Still having action but not having to Worry about your life evey second. I walk to the place where I teach. I grab riptide and want to slash a Buddies head. Before my sword could touch the silicone doll the head falls of and behind the place where the head was stands Nico. 'Hey. Long time not seen.' 'Y-yeah..' 'Someone is trying to get away from me.' 'No I dont. I am busy!' 'Well now you arent I see.' He steps away from the doll seeing me as his location to go. 'No but I really need to go. I mean-' The Horn blows. 'See gotta get that blue food before Tyson Comes here! ' 'But Tyson is in the-' 'Bye!' I run as fast as I can go to the breakfast hall.


I-i.. What is wrong with him. No what is wrong with me. I thought we were binding. Getting closer to each other but no... It is a dream probaly some God who wants to laugh at a Hades child. A gay child from Hades. I shouldn't have lied to him. Saying I am not gay and we are just friends. We were friends but I fucked that part up real good. I-i just want to tell him, but if he gets mad.. I walk to the breakfast hall half crying and on the way I see Jason. I need to go away. He doesn't need to see me cry. I try to walk away when I hear a shout. 'Nico? Nico!' He runs to me and quickly I wipe the tears away. 'Hey buddy!' He tries to touch my shoulder but says. 'Sorry forgot, no touching.' But I need a hug... I throw my arms around his musculair body and hug him tightly. 'Uhm Nico? Are you ok?' I throw my legs around him too and just cry. I miss Hazel. She understood me. But she left with Frank and got a lot of children. I miss them... I close my eyes and let the crying continue. I fucked up my whole life. I had everything I ever wanted, but then he left me and I was still here. He needed someone brighter. Not someone who lived with the dead. He lived with the dead. He left me then my other sister left like Bianca.. Well at least she didn't die but still. Nowhere to go except the palace of my father. I didn't want that seeing him with his toxic wife.  So I begun here at camp-halfblood I am not that mad like. It is kinda my home, but the only job I could get was counselor. With all these kids. I-i just straight to Hades hate it. I hate people. Well almost all people. The tears start to fall slower and I open my eyes again. Where the DAM am I? 'Calm down Nico...' Percy.. Shit shit shit. 'Did I faint again.. Need to stop shadowtraveling so much.' I laugh fake and softley. Fuck that isnt my thing. 'U alright?' I am suprised. What! He just abondend me and just left me. Yeah sure I am fine sir just wanted to caught some attention! What is this boy thinking. 'NO I AM NOT?!' He looks embarresed. Fuck Nico you mess all shit up. 'I-i am sorry. Did not mean it so rude Perc.' He looks suprised by the way I called him. 'Percy I have to tell you something.' He looks on his watch wich he doesn't have and looks up stressed. 'I need to go like really need to go. Need to get you some blue food.' 'What?' 'Bye!' 'Percy!' 'Percy!' 'PERCY!' He walks back. 'Nico I am sorry I just can't I dont wanne make things uncomfortable okay. Get it?  I-' 'I am gay..' I let out very soft. 'What?' 'I am gay.' 'WOW! Okay, okay let me procces that.' 'And I like you.' 'Fuck Nico! Why are you lying?' 'I am not. I did lie! But not now I like you Perc!' He looks hurt. Fuck I messed up. Why am I so stupid. I messed up, I messed up. He slowly walks away. 'Wait!' I run and stop him. I close the door and put it on a lock. 'We need to talk. Like men you know. Just talk nothing weird.' He closes his eyes. I push him on his seat and squat so I can look in his eyes. 'Percy I liked you when we were younger. I liked you from the start. Then you broke my heart. But healed it. I loved you.' He looks mad. 'What about Will. Did he actually broke up with you because you are.. Doesn't matter or did he broke up because you still liked me.' He looks away with disguist. I get it I have only  been lying. 'I-i was with Will I liked him and he broke up not because of you but because of me.' He looks back suprised and we lock eyes. Our faces come closer and I couldn't wait. I kiss him. He puts his hand on my head and pulls me closer. It is a relieve like I finally could breathe. But now I can't breath. I push myself off him and breathe fast. 'I-i always liked you too.' He says with a smile.


Is this really happening. I smile wide. After years of struggeling with myself struggeling with my feelings I get with the man I always had a secret crush on. Well not from the beginning. Hé was young to young. When hé was around 17 I started crushing. Puberty did him good. We continue to kiss and it gets Wilder. Love gets undermined with lust. Hé sits on my lap. His arms around my neck and his black Hair touching mine. I pull him up and Carry him. I put him on the couch and lay on top of him. Hé pulls away. 'Percy.' his word sound more as a moan than something hé wants to say. 'Y-yes.' Hé looks away. Hé wants to stop. 'Oh we should probaly go Nico they might be worried.' Hé looks embarresed. I try to throw myself off him but hé pulls me back. 'Wait Just one more-' And hé pulls me back in a kiss. It feels Just dam good. I lay on him again. Hé tries to sit up so I sit.. He pulls away. Hé looks so cute. Hé looks in my eyes and smiles soft. His smile is wonderful and it is Just a bummer hé doesn't smile a lot. Hé pushes me on the couch. Someone wanted to switch Rolls. Hé lays him self on me but he doesn't go for my Lips but for my neck. Because I am taller and when we stand hé is as long as my neck our feet touch each other and so do our crotches.

Part 2 Will be uploaded Soon

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⏰ Недавно обновлено: Oct 05, 2021 ⏰

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Gay HoO stories for my Percy Jackson buddiessМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя