Chapter Three: Evangeline

Start from the beginning

His gaze returned to his sister. She was much like Luther's niece. Hopeful, positive and always thinking beyond herself. He didn't like that he saw so much of his sister in their new acquaintance. It would make him care more than he should. More than was right for a Master of Warriod Academy, but as his sister continued, he was certain that there was definitely a shift. Something was beginning to swell and begin. He felt a little throb in the tattoo on his left palm. The marking was the alchemy symbol of spirit, it was rare even among the Warrior Alliance. Walker wasn't even sure why it had, that awful night so many years ago, branded itself into his dominant hand, but since he'd come into contact with this newling, Evangeline, a low-level twinge had sporadically run through the marking. He shook his mind out of his worries and re-focused on his sister's words, she was after all the one in the Intra Terci... not him.
     'All the Intra Terci I know have felt a change coming, part of me senses trouble. But... Wouldn't you like to come out of this stalemate... I'd love Marguerite to tell us tonight--'
     '--What does Intra Terci mean?' Evangeline asked.
Both siblings jumped and Evangeline grinned wickedly. Utter happiness at catching them off guard washed over her as she poked at Walker until he made room for her in their booth.
     'It's Latin. You'll be learning it at Angelus.' Aurelia informed her as their breakfasts arrived.

The twins tucked into the food, but Evangeline merely pushed hers around the plate. Somehow, she was even more perplexed. Latin? What on earth?  Why had she come with these people, where exactly was she going?
She cast a subtle glance over them. Evangeline could not in all honesty say she felt unsafe. Evangeline realised with a shock she didn't even feel like they were strangers. Not really. Evangeline rolled her shoulders; she needed a soak in a hot, healing bubble bath.
     'You didn't tell me what it meant... in Latin.'
     'I couldn't deprive you of finding that out in Angelus Cassandra's opening lecture at the Academy.' Aurelia grinned.

In shooting a look of amusement at her brother, Evangeline knew she was missing a joke. Walker just snorted, rolled his eyes at Evangeline and sipped his coffee.
     'Will you at least tell me more about where I'm going; technically you're kidnapping me.' Evangeline retorted.

Her logic kept insisting she should be freaking out or throwing some kind of meltdown tantrum. All the same, in a deep, untouched place in her soul, Evangeline felt as though she was meant to be doing this. However, another voice in her mind was screaming; how could it feel right to be jumping headfirst into a new unknown future? She gripped her leg under the table; the uncertainty was playing on her mind. Why did she feel safe and yet be so in the dark all at once?
     'Stop thinking about what you've left behind, you'll soon feel both Angelus and Warriod Academy are where you belong. Destiny has just given you the road, simply follow.' Walker murmured.

He patted her clenched hand, pushed her milkshake in front of her, and gave it a pointed look. Evangeline managed a small smile and sipped her drink, and then due to its sugary, creamy goodness she slurped it more merrily. Aurelia smiled at her and all three fell silent as they ate. The mid-morning sun streamed into the restaurant and more of the retro booths filled with travellers. As they finished eating, the two strange people with her pushed their plates aside, and Evangeline stacked them in front of her. She met Aurelia's gaze and the woman smiled softly and nodded a little, clearly understanding the look Evangeline shot across the table.

     'Angelus Academy is the home and school for young women like you; candidates as it were, who have residing elements of the old religion in their DNA. You possess, although currently dormant, the ability to become an Angelus --' Aurelia began,
     '-- Warriod Academy is in the neighbouring valley to Angelus, its home to young men and women whose souls hold strands of ancient immortals and famed warrior ancestry.' Walker continued, cutting over his sister. Evangeline nodded, eager for more, 'in Warriod, we work on unlocking their dormant gifts, much like Angelus. Although we do not have as many rituals, Warriod is larger and,' Walker chuckled, 'co-ed, sadly for you Rivas. You better hope you're good in all female company-- OW!' he yelped.
Having kicked her brother under the table, Aurelia captured Evangeline's attention with passionate words.
     'Angyali are mystic based, you form sisterhood bonds that even if you eventually become part of an Intra Terci, you will always have their strength beside you as you rise through the levels of Angyali, aiming to bring forth Legacy.'

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