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Your Perspective >>

Hours had passed. I couldn't see the time, but I could tell that hours had passed. I knew this because it felt like I had been laying here forever pretending to be out cold. I could hear shuffling and the occasional murmurs. Somebody was still in here. They really weren't abandoning their post.

Since so much time had passed, it gave me plenty of time to think about my many options and what I should do. In the end, I came to the conclusion that I should just get up and see what they want with me. See what they have to say. If they begin to grow restless, I should be fine. I have All for One. Why the hell am I scared of a couple of back alley punks honestly?

Stop. Calm down. I'm letting myself get worked up. I'm getting cocky. Don't let your guard down.

I slowly began to stir. I slowly began to open my eyes as if I had just woken up. As my vision cleared, I saw Dabi make his way over to me. I sat up and looked up at the villain looming over me.

You can do this.

I now awaited to hear what he had to say.

Izuku's Perspective >>

It had been a little while since Y/N and Kacchan left. Cleaning up had taken a while, but that's alright. Since it's Y/N that is. As I looked around, I stumbled upon something that grabbed my interest.

Hold on a minute, this is Y/N's hair clip. It was a beautiful clip and looks like something she wouldn't want to lose.
"I should return this to her," I thought aloud. I wonder how she's doing right now. When I think about her, I think of soft flowing hair, rosy cheeks, and sparkly eyes. She really is the most beautiful girl in the world. I could feel my heart rate picking up and my face turned flushed just from thinking about her. How is it that after all this time I still get flushed from thinking about her?

I decide to head over to her place with the clip to return it to her.

On the way over, I look up at the sky. It's beautiful and clear, perfect weather for going out. I know we just hung out, but I should invite her out for lunch. Just us. I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic when it comes to this kind of stuff.

Approaching her house, I knock on the door. No answer. Slowly opening the door, I peek my head inside and call her name.
"Y/N? You home?" Still no response. Weird. I thought she came straight home? There was no one home infact. I thought I knew their family well enough so I invited myself in. Heading down to her room, I noticed that everything had been untouched. Must have taken a detour home. What if I call her.

After a few rings, it goes straight to message bank. Knowing that girl's luck, I begin to feel worry brew within me. Please don't say she's run into any trouble. I know that Y/N is a strong girl, but it doesnt stop me from worrying about her. I should head out and look around town just to be sure.

After visiting multiple of our favourites places like the ice-cream store, the arcade among some, still no sign of her. I've also continously called her with no response. The fear is growing more and more.

"Please just have your phone on silent or something," I pray to myself. It's when I look down and I see something on the ground. It's a little keychain that must have fallen off a bag. It's Y/N's keychain.

Author Note: HAHAHAHA

i mentioned this on my new book *cough* it's a xiao x reader check it out if you're interested *cough* but i am going to be making chapters shorter from now on. that way i will be more motivated to update and finish the story.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2021 ⏰

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