x Forty Five x

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a/n - i don't think anyone actually cares about this book anymore, but i got so super bored that I decided to log on and do my best to write a bit. sorry if this chapter is short and there are inconsistencies since i don't remember where i left off 

Your Perspective -

That next morning, both Katsuki and I left as early as possible.

"Where are you gonna go?" Katsuki asked me as we reached the point where we split ways.

"I honestly don't know. Good luck wherever you go." He stared at me for a moment, but didn't say another word and then left. Predictable.

Taking a turn, I dashed home with my head down low. Where was I to go though? Nowhere to go and nothing to do. Turning down an alley, I sat down and lay my back against a wall. Pulling out my phone, I rested my head on my hand. Why am I here? This whole thing has been so ridiculous. 

Moments later, a shadow loomed over me. Slowly looking up, I saw a young-looking girl. Not too much older than me really.

"Are you ok? L/N?" This girl had blonde hair tied up into two buns. The look wasn't too bad.

"Who might you be?" I asked. Taking another good look at her, I think I recognised her from last year.

"I'm Toga Himiko. We're friends so you can call me Toga!" The girl cheered. I felt my heart stop for a split second. I'm face to face with a villain. A dangerous one at that. I decided to collect myself and stand up.

"Sorry Himiko, but I have somewhere to be-" As I went to leave, I felt her grab my wrist.

"Where are you going Y/N? Surely you'll come with me. I know someone who has been wanting to talk to you!" She said.


I felt a bead of sweat run down my face. It wasn't like it was overly hot outside or anything. no, it wasn't that at all. It was the fact that I am currently facing to face with a dangerous villain who wants me to go with her. I don't know what she might do to me. Is she planning on hurting me? Making me speak and tell her gang about the inside at UA? She's not going to get that and she knows it. Then why?

My quirk! Their leader! Dead! I'm a murderer!

All these memories hit me at once. I remember everything now. How could I let myself forget such an important event in my life? Of course, I let myself get distracted by Katsuki running away and visiting Izuku's house. Of course letting myself relax was a bad choice. It's difficult to have those luxuries when you're living the life that I have set for myself.

Now that I had remembered everything that I did to these villains, I found it even harder to think.

What in the hell am I going to do?

My hands and body were violently shaking and sweating as I let myself be dragged by this villain further into the dark alley. I could scream? I don't want to cause trouble. I could use my quirk? That would cause too much of a scene. I am so pathetic for someone who wants to become a hero. I can't even save myself from such a simple situation let alone save others. It's always me that needs the saving.

I felt my heart pound so hard in my chest that I felt like I wanted to pass out. 

Maybe I should pass out. That might be the best bet. Let fate do whatever it wants with me. This is the punishment I get for all my sins.

I near forced my body to go limp. It's alright if I die, it's just karma. As the thought had crossed my mind, I felt my body begin to grow heavy. In fact, it would be stupid to say I felt it grow heavy. Instead, I should say I felt nothing because I let myself pass out.


"Tomura. I brought her. Be nice yeah?"

Who? Was that Toga's voice? Shigaraki must be here? Are the others? I can't open my eyes. Why couldn' I just stay out cold. Come on! Make this painless!

"Thank you Himiko. I thought it would have been harder to get her here, but obviously not. I guess that's what happens to someone who loses spirit."

Me? Lose spirit? Shut the hell up Shigaraki! You know nothing about me! I'm still alive and that's enough spirit for me!

"Dabi. Lay her down and wait until she wakes up. Make sure to lock this place up well Himiko. I don't imagine a girl who was so easily dragged here to be so hard to lock up, but girls like her are unpredictable. So unpredictable that even our master didn't expect she would be the one he would give his quirk to."


I began to feel things again as I was laying down on some kind of soft surface, and I could feel all eyes baring into me. Everyone in this room was watching me. The pressure is so high right now, but I have to keep my cool. I must pretend to stay passed out as long as possible. Maybe I could pretend I'm dead. I would just hold my breath and die right here if I had nothing waiting for me outside of this room, but for the sake of Izuku and Katsuki, I must do my best to stay alive if I can help it. Now it was time to wait it out. Even if I have to pretend and wait for days, I'll wait until they give up. That's if they give up.

Either the Lotus Flower's promise will prevail and let me go free, or fate makes that choice and kills me. I really am fine either way.

a/n - it's me, author-chan! it's been a long time has it not? feel free to ask me any questions if you're still around and maybe we can chat it up. this chapter has no proof reading or editing.

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