x Twenty Seven x

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Your Contention >>

The next day at school way pretty slow. Izuku and I kept all suspicion low so no one would know that I was currently quirkless. Lucky for me, we had to near no practical work today. What I was excited for though was what was to come after school.

Once school was out, I ran as quickly as possible to Katsuki's house to see what he picked out for me. I arrived at him house to find him already home. Knocking on the door frantically, I knew that I needed to be quick. Answering the door, he looked at me before inviting me to come inside.

Sitting on his bed, I watched him pull out the dress. "Are you serious right now?". The dress would remind you of explosions with the pattens and the everything that was attached to the garment. "I'm having a night out with Izuku dumbass. Not you". He just grunted before saying "Take the dress or go naked. See if I care". He crossed him arms and looked elsewhere clearly cross. I sighed before picking up the dress and patting Katsuki on the head. "Thank you". He shook his head to get my hand off before I made the terrifying trek home.

"EXCUSE ME! MOVE PLEASE! I'VE GOT SOMETHING IMPORTANT!" People saw my rush and saw the dress incisively moving aside being the polite society we were.

After arriving home, I quickly put on the dress loving how it looked. It fit well and looked nice, but casual. You could think of it as either really. Happy with your clothes, you ran off to the bathroom to put on any accessories and light makeup to cover anything needed.

"What's the special occasion?" My mother asked as I ran back past her to get my shoes and bag, seeing as it was already beginning to grow dark. "Nothing too special, just hanging out with Izuku". Mother rolled her eyes knowing this was not normal wear for just a "hang out".

I rushed out the door to avoid anymore questions and started making my way to the beach. I felt really self conscious, but I reminded myself to loosen up and have fun. The nagging question wouldn't leave though. It hurt to think about.

As I arrived, I plucked my phone out of my bag and sen Izuku and message. He responded letting me know he was by the gate. Not wasting anytime, I walked over as quickly as possible to be greeted to his bright smile.

Our greetings were casual as we made our way into the carnival. It was now dark making the light up place look stunning.

We started by going on a Rollercoaster to going through a Haunted House. There were some other crazy rides thrown into the mix that I can't remember. I think it was the most fun I've ever had.

We bought some candy floss before finishing the night on the Ferris Wheel. Seems simple right? Sit down and slowly go in circles a few times. That's what I thought it would be alongside a little banter with Izuku.

Izuku's Contention >>

As we sat in the cage, the world slowly grew smaller below us. Looking over to my side, I saw Y/N looking down in awe at the sight. Goodness she looked cute right now. Before she caught me staring, I looked back down at the ground as a small blush spread across my cheeks.

There was silence between us until she spoke up in merely a whisper. "It's beautiful, right?" I saw her eyes looking into the side of my head trying to catch my attention. I looked over and saw her small smile and warm eyes looking right back at me. "It sure is" I responded trying to hide the pink on my cheeks.

Before I knew it, she pulled us into a selfie. We held up Peace signs before she took the shot. We must have hundreds of selfies of us doing that. I saw her look down at her phone as she looked at the photo. I looked over and had a look too. "I like that one" I told her as she started scrolling through her photos. " I feel like I've seen one the exact same before".

As she swiped, I saw more and more pictures of her and Kacchan go past. I felt myself growing sad. Sad that I had let her get away for so long. Sad that I wasted time that I could have spent with her. Before I knew it, everything was going through my mind. From what Todoroki said that day to every time I got angry seeing Kacchan with Y/N. I felt myself speak before I thought. "So I see you've been hanging out with Kacchan a lot recently".

Immediately I saw her face cover with shock and worry. "Oh.. um.. yeah.." she spoke quietly being the introvert she had become. I felt confidence grow inside me after that. I had to keep going. "Why is that?" I asked fully facing her now. "Oh! Because he's my.. friend" she trailed off looking at her twiddling thumbs once more. I had to know what she was thinking right now.

"Do you consider him more than a 'friend'?" I asked making quotation marks with my fingers. She immediately looked up with pure disgust and shock on her face. "What?! Of corse not! Where would you get such a silly idea?" She asked speaking louder than usual.

I looked down at my thumbs for a moment in shock myself. This couldn't be. So she didn't like Kacchan? So I've been over reacting? I didn't know what to say or do. I didn't know what to do, so I did the first thing that came to my mind.

I felt more confident in myself more than I ever have. I looked her in the eyes before speaking. "Y/N, ever since I met you, I've felt more outgoing. More confident. You've always made me smile even when I doubted myself. I can't thank you enough for that". A blush crept onto her face as she looked away bashful. "Oh it's nothing really.." she said giving a small smile to the ground.

"No Y/N" I told her as I grabbed her hands making her look at me. "I think it's something"

A/N - haHA I don't update in lik 4 ever and I leave u on the biggest cliffhanger eVA LOLZOR XD #sorrinotsorri

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