x Thirty Eight x

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Your Perspective >>

"See you tomorrow!" I called out to Izuku as I entered my house and he walked away. Sighing I dragged myself past my parents to my bedroom. "How was your day sweetie?" My mother asked causing me to turn around. I looked at her for a moment with the realisation of what she asked before smiling. "It was great! Thanks for asking," I responded. "Good to hear. I'm out to work now so I'll see you tomorrow," she said while walking out the door with her bag.

My smile dropped once more as I finally reached my room and flopped down by the window. Every moment without Izuku was dull and I hated it. The sun was slightly coved by clouds as I looked up to the sky. I racked my brain for ideas until the easiest one came to mind. My lips formed a small smile as the clouds cleared once more when I picked up the phone and called Izuku.

As it rang, I glanced around my room seeing that it was a mess. "Look's like the leftovers of a Villain fight in here...," I mumbled to myself. "A VILLAIN?! I'M ON MY WAY RIGHT NOW-," Izuku called through the phone worried. Crap. I didn't know he picked up. "Oh no no! It's just an expression! I'm fine," I told him as I heard a sigh of relief on the other end. "Thank goodness. You had me scared there for a moment," he said as I giggled. "Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to come over tonight? I get really lonely when you're not around," I admitted. Even though I couldn't see him, I could tell that a large smile was plastered on this face. "Of course! What time?" He asked. I told him around 6 pm so he could eat with us. Afterwards, we ended the call. I felt my heart skip a beat and my face heat up. Although there was no reason to, I opened up my messages and sent him a small reminder.

'I love you.'

Izuku's Perspective >>

I grabbed my bag and began to throw everything in it that I would need. Y/N is so kind for letting me stay at her place so much. "Mum! I'm going to be staying at Y/N's tonight!" I called out through the house to my mum as I grabbed my toothbrush. "Ok, sweetie. Don't come home too late tomorrow!" she called back. After putting everything in my bag, I zipped it up, threw it over my back and got ready to leave. I reached for the door handle, just something caught the corner of my eye. The sunlight shone slightly brighter as it showered inside my room. My eyes averted to the glass Lotus flower on the desk. It started to shimmer and all kinds of colours danced around my room. It truly was beautiful. Finally, I decided to take it with me. She may want to see it again after everything that had happened.

Throwing my bag over my shoulder, I made my way out of the house. As I passed, eyes watched me from all angles. I didn't like it so I kept my head down. Probably just looking at my fluffy hair. On my way there, I saw a small cake shop. I slowed to a stop and looked at the window and saw beautifully crafted cakes sitting behind. I stopped myself from drooling as an idea came to mind. Quickly, I made my way into the store and let the aroma take over.

Dashing over to a stand with a tiny orange cake on top, I didn't even think about looking at the other cakes before heading to the counter and purchasing it. Slowly, I slipped the small box into my bag and continued to head to Y/N's.

The walk wasn't too long and I arrived at her front door. I knocked softly only to have it open immediately. "Izuku! Come on in!" she said wrapping her arms around my shoulders for a hug. "H-Hi!" I said as she gently let go after the tight squeeze. "Follow me," she said intertwining her fingers with mine and dragged me to her room. I was dragged quickly and quietly as we entered and she closed the door behind us.

I looked down to see an old-fashioned TV sitting on the floor with blankets, pillows and bowls of snacks. "You're so cliche," I told her as she sat down in front of the TV. "I know. I like things a little old-fashioned," she responded with a smile. Now that's the smile that I want to protect. I took a seat next to her as she showed me all of her movies. "Which one would you like to watch?" she asked as I looked at all of the options. "You know what, I think there is something else we should do first," I told her as I picked up a blanket and threw it over her. She squeaked a little as it landed on top of her. "What was that for!?" she asked me pushing the blanket off herself. After a moment, something clicked in her mind as she jumped up and ran off to the kitchen.

Running back in, she had a chair over her head. She threw it down as she yelled "FORT BUILDING!" I laughed as we ran out again to grab more chairs from the dining room table. It didn't take long for us to bring them back in and place blankets over the top and pillows inside. We arranged everything to comfort as we chose a movie and Y/N turned off the lights as it began to play. "I heard this one is really good-," she began as I silenced her with my finger over her mouth. After she stopped talking, I picked up a handful of popcorn and shoved it in her mouth. She chewed happily as the movie played. Black and white TV, Snacks of sorts and each other. This is how things should be.

A/N - New content. Finally, I know. Also, let me know if you have any screenshots you would like me to use as chapter headers!

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