Chapter 14: Fragile Memories

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Holy moly you guys what even?!?! This story just boosted in popularity! Thank you guys for all the love and support! I know I say this all the time, but it really does mean a lot to me!! Here is your next chapter! Warning: there is torture in this chapter, sorry to say, so be forewarned...

Castiel awoke, once again, bound by chains. Memories of the court session flashed back into his memory, and he almost cried. How could this happen? How could he let this happen? All he knew now was lost to him. There was no escaping the 'Heavenly Host' now, and no hope of ever seeing Dean again.

Dean. The thought of his partner brought back much happier memories of the time they shared together. All the times they used to lie together and just talk the long days away. That was all Castiel wanted to go back to. He longed for the loving arms of Dean Winchester, the human he risked his life for.

"Come on, Cas!" Dean laughed when Castiel couldn't sleep one night. "How many times do I have to tell you? It's not that hard!"

"Easy for you to say. You're a human, you do this all the time!" Castiel crossed his arms and shot a glare to the man laying across from him. Dean just gave him a cocky smile and a laugh.

"Would it make you feel better if I was cuddling with you?" He stifled another laugh when Cas gave him a confused look.

"What is cuddling, Dean?"

"I'll show you. Roll over." Castiel rolled over to he was facing away from Dean. In an instant, he felt a strong pair of arms wrap around his waist and a pair of lips on his shoulder. That moment, Castiel A comfort in which he was not familiar with since he was usually the protector.



"I like this 'cuddling' thing."

Dean stifled another laugh. "I thought you might."

A door slammed open, and Amanda barged in the room, interrupting Castiel's happy thoughts. He shot her a glare, and she just smiled at him. With a wave of her hand, the door closed, and she crouched in front of Castiel.

"What do you want, Amanda?" He snarled as her eyes flashed him a smile to match the one across her lips.

"I'm here to speak to you. My superiors allowed it, under very strict perimeters of course. What my superiors don't know, Castiel, is that I'm actually here to give you a second chance." She smiled even brighter, and Castiel gave her a confused look.

"What do you mean?" He asked. "What kind of second chance?"

Amanda sighed heavily. "If you agree to be my loving mate, I-"

"No." Castiel shot her a glare and cut her off. "Absolutely not."

"You didn't even hear my whole proposal." She replied cooly.

"I didn't need to." He spat. "Negotiating with the accused is bad enough, but you want to engage in relations with the accused who just so happens to be tied down. You're a disgusting excuse for a Supreme Court leader."

Amanda slapped Castiel across the face with as much force as she could muster, but the trench coated angel barely felt a thing. "You call what you and Dean Winchester have 'love'?" She questioned as she stood up, finally towering over Castiel. Her face contorted into an expression of pure disgust and hatred. "I call that an abomination." She turned on her heel and was about to leave when Castiel stopped her dead in her tracks.

"How would you know what real love is?" He retorted. "You've never tasted free will like I have."

Amanda looked over her shoulder at Castiel and smirked. "No, but I've seen what it does to obedient Angels like yourself, and I want no part in that." She turned back to face the door and Castiel saw her shoulders shrug. "I gave you a fair chance to get out of this, but I was rejected. This punishment isn't on my hands anymore, it's on yours," With that, she opened the door and disappeared before Castiel could say another word.

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