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There's more than one person reading this story! *Does a happy dance that probably looks really dorky* Thank you all for the support and love! I was considering entering this story into the @SPN_watty_awards , but I admin that account and I'm not real confident about my story writing either. If anyone reading this story wants to admin that account with me, PM me or comment, and I'll get you hooked up!

Normally, I'm not a big fan of putting authors notes in the middle of a story, but I feel like I need to give y'all this update :)

So, tomorrow I'll be going back to school, and some of you may know how much that limits my writing time due to homework. My mom is putting down new rules on my computer time, so I doubt I'll even be able to update once a week. That's my hope: to keep a steady update system going so you guys know when to expect a chapter. I am in an advanced program at school, which basically just means extra homework and projects for me and less writing time.

Vacation time is really when I'll be writing the most. I have a week off school in about a month, so expect some updates then.

Love you guys, and stay awesome!

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