Chapter 1: Reading About Dean

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Castiel sat alone in the Holy Library of Heaven, a library with records on every human in existence, that the angel figured was the perfect place to look for information about this...Dean Winchester guy.

He sighed, and peeled open the first book he had taken off the shelf after hours of scouring them. The book was an encyclopedia of any Human born in the 20th century with the last name starting with the letter "W". The angel knew that Heaven was organized, but this was just impressive.

He'd really wished God would have given him some more information about this man. Even just his age would have helped. Castiel sighed and tried to figure out a logical way to go about this. He eventually decided on starting with John Winchester, the famous hunter, whom he assumed was related to Dean if Dean was connected to the supernatural.

Castiel opened the book and flipped around for an index; No luck. Sighing, the angel began skimming the early pages of the encyclopedia for John Winchester.

About halfway through the thick book, Castiel finally found information about John. He skimmed through his life story of serving in the military to meeting Mary, his wife. Castiel ran his hand through his hair and sighed. He'd been sighing a lot today. There had to be something about Dean in here.

That's when he found it. A small passage with Dean mentioned in it.

The first child born of Mary and John Winchester was Dean Winchester, born on January 24, 1979.

Perfect! Just what he was looking for. He quickly flipped towards the end of the book around the '1970s' section to look for Dean.

Eventually, he found him. Suddenly, for an unknown reason, Castiel's interest in this human. He had no idea why, but he had a feeling this...task would change his life. If that wasn't a reason to keep reading, he didn't know what was. He felt his eyes glue themselves to the page as he began to read.

Dean Winchester was born on January 24, 1979 to John and Mary Winchester in Lawrence, Kansas. He is the couple's first child, four years older than his younger brother, Sam. On November 2, 1983, Mary was killed in Sam's nursery by the demon Azazel, and in the ensuing fire Dean was tasked with carrying Sam out to safety while John unsuccessfully tried to rescue Mary. Since then, Dean has felt responsible for Sam and was always given the job to take care of him while they were growing up.

Azazel huh? Tough break. Was all Castiel could think. He'd heard stories of that demon, but had never thought of him as a real thing. The stories to him were meant to scare young angels into behaving of something like that. His curiosity piqued once again, he kept reading.

After eventually reuniting with their father and coming into possession of the Colt, they prepare to strike back against the Demon, a powerful demon with yellow eyes known as Azazel. Failing to kill him, they are rammed into by a semitruck, sending Dean into a coma. Flatlining, Dean dies but is saved from death at the last second when John makes a deal with the Demon to save his life. After John's soul is taken by the Demon to Hell, Sam and Dean start hunting the Demon, who eventually kidnaps Sam. In a turn of events, Sam is stabbed and killed, forcing Dean to make a deal to save his brother's life.

So that's how he came to make the deal...he was saving his brothers life. Castiel's thoughts interrupted his reading once again. He shook it off and continued.

Given a year on life, Dean and Sam are unable to stop the Demon from opening a gate to Hell and freeing Lilith. However, their father escapes as well and gives them the chance they need to kill the Yellow Eyed Demon. While trying to cope with his impending death and make the best of his final year, Dean begins to start hunting the freed Demons. Dean learns that he too may become a demon himself if he burns in Hell too long.

Castiel's eyes widened in slight surprise. He didn't have much time to loose then. How long had Dean been in Hell? How much time before he became a demon? There were so many things he wanted to ask God, but he couldn't. His concern was growing, and a weird feeling in his chest caused it to tighten. Was it...compassion?

Castiel's thoughts were interrupted by the librarian tapping his shoulder gently. "Excuse me, Castiel, but the Holy Library is closed. Would you like to take this book home with you?" Her softly wrinkled face and almost grey hair accented by glasses always made him feel welcome.

"Oh, yes, that would be great. Thank you." He gave her weak smile. "Don't I need to check this out first though?"

She shook her head and returned the smile. "I trust you, you've always brought back your other books anyways. Bring it by tomorrow and I'll check it out then."

"Thank you." He scooped up the book and hurried off to his home in Heaven, hoping he could get more research done, and fast.

When he exited the library, Uriel was standing outside, almost like he was waiting for him to come out. "Find any good information, Castiel? You were in there quite a long time."

Castiel appeared to be stunned. "How did you...never mind. I did find some valuable information that is prompting me to prepare myself faster."

"What did you find?"

"I learned that if Dean Winchester burns in Hell too long, he will become a demon himself."

Uriel paused for a moment. "Why does God even care about this human?"

"Uriel, don't start with tha-"

"I'm serious, Castiel." His tone was dark. "Why should he care? Why would God ask you specifically to drag someone out of Hell?"

"You and I know better than some that God works in mysterious ways," was Castiel's only reply. With that said, he turned on his heel and walked off, his way of telling Uriel to stop asking him questions. Much to his dismay, however, Uriel spoke again.

"How long will it be, do you think, for this Winchester man to burn?" He asked. Castiel gave out a huff, but didn't turn around.

"Go home, Uriel." He replied, and walked away quickly. He didn't have time for such trite questions.

As he walked to his Heavenly Home, he was occasionally stopped by other angels and asked questions like "Where were you today?" or "Haven't seen you around lately. Is everything alright?" He answered politely in response and kept going.

Once he got home, he didn't sleep. All he did was read continuously about Dean and his entire life. Just one more passage...he kept telling himself. One passage turned into two, two turned into four, and he just kept reading.

Learning Lilith to have taken the throne of Hell from Azazel and to hold Dean's life contract in her hands, the brothers eventually confront her. Unable to kill her, Dean is mauled to death by Hellhounds and his soul is dragged to Hell.

The last passage only said:

As you read this, Alastair, the same demon whom Azazel had torture John, is brutalizing Dean. Help him, Castiel.

His eyes widened. The book specifically pointed him out. Specifically! Castiel felt like he was going crazy. Was it lack of sleep? No, it couldn't be, Angels don't sleep. Hallucinating maybe?

Or maybe he was meant to save Dean Winchester...Either way, this was a sign. The sign he needed to act. His orders were true.

That being said, Castiel needed to act fast. Dean was burning by the second, and God knows what will happen if Dean becomes a demon.

Time to get to work.



Okay, sorry this chapter sucks. Nobody's actually going to read this anyways, but I'm still trying. I might not even get Castiel's personality right, but cut me some slack (I just started season 5 XD) The information about Dean was gathered from Wikipedia.

Anyways...hope you enjoyed this chapter! Next one coming soon.

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