Chapter 5: The First "Month"

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Just a quick note, I put month in quotes because hell time is different than earth time. The time period is 1 month in hell time. This chapter is dedicated to FandomsrFriends just because

The first month, Castiel thought, was the worst month of them all.

There was nothing spoken, no words between them, almost as if they shared an unspoken agreement not to talk to each other. Dean slept most of the time, and Cas just...watched him. He had nothing else better to do with his time. Some nights, after Dean would go to sleep, he would pray for help, but no help came. Castiel took it upon himself to keep track of the days that him and Dean were stuck together in the cave that started to smell like rotting flesh. As he watched over the human, Castiel would feel his stomach tighten whenever he started noticing how Dean sometimes drooled when he slept or how his muscles look more defined when he sleeps on his back.

In any case, it was lonely, and the angel often found this loneliness catching up to him quite often. Sometimes, he'd give up Dean watching duties and sit by the large cave entrance to stare out I to the abyss and just think. Think about God, alternate escape routes, Dean, and about himself; About who he was and what he wanted to do with the rest of his existence. Things inside of him were changing. He was beginning to...feel things. He wasn't sure what they were. A churning stomach, a tightened chest, a burning throat. Cas so often pondered what these things meant to him.

There was one day, after maybe about a week, Dean tried to make some kind of conversation with Castiel. This effort was in vain, however. The angel made no attempt to continue the conversation to any extent. After a few days of this, Dean was tired of it. He needed to get away from this stuffy cave. There were times he'd leave the cave for hours at a time to sneak in a beer, and Castiel wouldn't even notice that he had left. There was one instance however, when Castiel had looked for Dean, who was casually coming in the cave the back way.

"Where have you been, Dean?" He asked. Castiel was irritated, if anything. "You do realize there are demons out there after us, right?"

"Um, nothing." Suddenly embarrassed that he got caught, Dean casually hid the bottle behind his leg. "I just went out for a...quick stroll is all. I needed some fresh air."

Castiel walked towards Dean. He knew he was lying; It was all over the humans face. He grabbed Deans cheeks with his hand and squished them together. "Don't trick me, Dean." He said emotionlessly. "Tell me the truth."

Dean gave Cas a weird look but remained his composure. "I am telling you the truth." His words were muffled and hardly understandable.

"You do realize I have ways of getting information, right?" Castiel squeezed Deans cheeks closer together, and said human instantly thought of his hand being roasted by the angels hand barbecue. He quickly held up his hands in defense.

"Alright, fine!" Cas let go of Deans face and Dean took a deep breath. "I went out to get a beer and a may or may not have stayed out later than I probably should have."

"Is this the only time you've done this?"


"Don't you dare lie to me."

"Okay, yes. At least once a night."

Castiel huffed and turn away, once again not talking to Dean. His cheeks were dusted with a light pink color out of embarrassment. The only conversation the two had in weeks, and it was about sneaking beer. Castiel could handle the silence. Dean, however, could not.

"Look man, this whole..." Dean awkwardly gestured between the two of them. "Not...talking to each other thing, I'm not really digging it."

Castiel turned back to Dean and raised an eyebrow. "What exactly are we supposed to talk about? I know all about your entire past already, and nothing important ever happens to me."

"I'm sure whatever told you about my life didn't tell you about my hunting trips."

"A few, but only the big ones. I assumed there were more?"

"Oh yeah! Here." Dean walked to the middle of the cave, sat down and motioned for Cas to sit down next to him. Cautiously, the angel walked over and stood across from Dean. They sat and stood there staring at each other for a few minutes before Dean spoke again. "You know you can sit down, right?"

"Oh..." Castiel sat down and straightened himself out. "So, got any good ghost stories?"

Dean chuckled heartily. "Oh, you bet I do!" He smiled at the thought. "My brother and I have definitely seen a few ghosts in our time." The human twisted open his beer, took a long drink, and began speaking. "So, it started on the hunt for my dad..."

For hours on end, Dean shared story and story with Castiel, who was always eager to hear more, though he didn't always show it. He never knew being a human was so fascinating. Simple things like microwaves impressed him, but the stories seemed to fill some kind of void inside his being. He found himself constantly on edge or figuratively bitting his nails. Dean was a good storyteller, that's for sure.

When the hour was late, and Dean found himself yawning, he decided to turn in for the night. He stretched out on the cold stone, and Castiel worked up the nerve to ask a question.

"Dean? Do you think could tell me more stories tomorrow?"

Dean just held up a thumbs up and faded off to sleep, clutching his beer bottle to his chest. Castiel still sat next to him, and his eyes tracing the outlines in Dean's back. Slightly, he scooted right up next to Dean, and gently rubbed his cheek with the back of his hand, but pulled his hand back with a jerk. That was..weird.

Before he did any other stupid things, Cas got up and  sat at the mouth of the cave. He couldn't help but let a small smile escape his usually stoic lips.

Maybe spending time with Dean Winchester wasn't going to be so bad.

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