Chapter 2: Perdertion Preparation

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So, I've decided that I'm going to include some kind of picture at the beginning of each chapter (mainly Destiel. After all, that is what this fic is about). Anyways...ENJOY CHAPTER 2!

After 3 months of research, Castiel was ready. He had waited absolutely as long as he could to get Dean. If he dilly dallied any longer, the human could burn, and God most certainly wouldn't want that.

Castiel had his demon blade close by, just in case any one of those poor bastards tried to pick a fight. He doubted they would, and he would smite the hell out of them anyways.

For the first time in a while, Castiel felt a strange sense of freedom. He kept feeling his chest tighten. There was the smallest sliver of doubt in his mind that something was wrong with what he was doing. He tried so desperately to push it away, but it lingered for a while before he went to take off.

Castiel traveled to the edge of Heaven, where the fluffy clouds blended together with the daytime sky. He double checked to make sure he had everything he needed. When he was satisfied, the angel spread his wings and flew at high speeds down to his vessel: Jimmy Novak.

Jimmy was sitting on his porch. The day had been pretty calm so far for him. It had been a while since he had heard any voices of angels. Despite his wife thinking he was absolutely crazy, things were okay.

As if to ruin his perfect day, Jimmy heard Castiel speak to him.

"Jimmy, I need you." He said. "I need your consent so I can use you as a vessel."

Jimmy's eyes widened. "But, Castiel, I'm supposed to be having dinner with the in-laws tonight! I can't just disappear."

Castiel was perplexed. "What"

"My wives parents. Look, I just can't do this right now."

"You have faith in me, don't you?"

"O-Of course! I've never doubted you before."

"So, can you trust me? I will bring you home safe as soon as I can."

Jimmy thought for a moment before responding. "Alright, Castiel, I trust you. Go ahead."

With a flash of bright light, Castiel flew down into his vessel. After a few moments, the light disappeared, and Castiel had fully possessed Jimmy. Once he had gotten used to the vessel, Castiel flew off to Hells Gate.

Once he arrived, Castiel was hesitant about going inside. He wasn't exactly sure what he would see in there, or how exactly he would locate Dean, but he eventually decided to cross that bridge when he got to it. Taking a deep breath and pulling out his demon blade for protection, Castiel quickly flew inside the gates of hell.

What Castiel saw before him was truly hellish. Raging flames, dark and bottomless pits, and the endless screaming was almost deafening. Right now, however, Castiel wasn't concerned about any of that. He wanted to find Dean now, and get this over with. The longer he stayed in Hell, the more uncomfortable he felt.

The Angel began doing a fly over of Hell, assessing each troubled soul locked away. Many of them were screaming at him for help, but Castiel was forced to ignore their pleas. The yelling was almost getting hard to distinguish. One thing stood out from the rest however.

"Looking for something, Angel?" Castiel whipped his head around only to be face to face with a demon inside a vessel. "A person, perhaps?"

Castiel nodded. "I'm looking for Dean Winchester, and if you know where he is, I order you to tell me."

The demon scoffed. "Did you really think I would just tell you where Dean Winchester was? He's practically a celebrity around here, same as the demon who held his contract." The demon crossed their arms and gave a slight smirk while assessing his body. "I could tell you...if you give me something in return." It licked its lips.

"And what would that be?" Castiel's fingers gripped onto his demon blade so right they began to sweat.

"You know, that's a fine vessel you've got there." The demon continued. "It would be a shame if a demon were to defile such a...devout man."

"Tell me where Dean Winchester is," He exposed his blade to the demon. "Or I will make sure you don't live to see the next day."

The demon's face fell, and he sighed. "You won't like what you hear, Angel, I can guarantee that"

"Why not?"

"In case you were wondering why Dean was so famous around here," The demon paused to chuckle ever so slightly. "It's because he tortures souls-for fun! It's the dream job for any demon to have."

Castiel's eyes widened in surprise. "Is he a...demon? Am I too late?"

"What are you talking about? Deans not a demon, at least not yet. What exactly does Heaven want with a Winchester boy?"

"I was sent here by God." Castiel's voice didn't waver or change. "We have work for him, so I came to get him out of Hell."

The Demon rolled its eyes. "Good luck with that, pretty boy. He should be with Azazel, straight down as far as it goes and make an immediate left." The Demon walked past him in the other direction, forcefully bumping into Castiel as he did. Castiel mumbled his thanks before flying down into the pits of Hell. As he continued down, the screams got louder and more painful. There was less fire and more darkness. Quickly, Castiel made an immediate left like the demon told him to, and found himself at a door. He could hear a gruff voice from inside laughing and another person screaming.

Very carefully and with his demon blade at the ready, Castiel slowly opened the door.

He found himself in a simple room with a table, two chairs, and another door. When he shut the door behind him, the second door opened, and in stepped a tall man with light colored hair wearing a black leather jacket with a black shirt and jeans. Their eyes locked, and Castiel's chest tightened.

This was Dean Winchester.

"Who the hell are you?" Dean spoke first, and with a sharp tone.

"My name is Castiel. I am an angel of The Lord." Castiel replied simply.

Dean chuckled."You have got to be kidding me. An angel? I thought they didn't exist."

"Oh, they definitely exist, Dean Winchester." Dean gave Castiel a weird look.

"How do you know my name?"

"I researched you."

"Like that's not creepy!"

Castiel sighed. "Look, Dean. I'm here on an assignment. God specifically asked me to come down here."

"For what? To bring me flowers of something?"

"No." Castiel's eyes met Deans and he held their state for a long time. "I've come to raise you from Perdition."

Dean looked surprised for a moment. He casually walked over to Castiel and stood very close to him, and the Angel noticed how much taller Dean was than his vessel. I should've picked a taller vessel. Dean leaned towards Castiel ever so slightly, smirked, and whispered his response.


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