“ I-I’m sorry…I di-didn’t mean to-to hurt you! I-I just wanted ever-everyone to be sa-safe! Adrien!”

“ Well you did a terrible job at it!! Now everyone hates you, everyone is gone. No one is safe anymore because of YOU!”

He was shaking me. Why can’t he just kill me? Tears kept falling down my eyes. I looked down at my hands still seeing Chat’s blood covering them. I-I didn’t want to…His shaking got harder. I closed my eyes hard, then when I opened them…Where am I now? I looked around and saw black leather and cat ears. I felt the soft warm breath and heard his soothing voice in my ear.

“ Hey it’s okay. I’m right here. I’m not going to leave you...EVER.”

Is this real or is this another trick? Is he going to disappear also?!?

“ Y-you p-p-p-promise?”

Don’t make him do that! He has to leave you! he has to break that! Don’t promise Chat, don’t do it!

“I promise. Can you tell me what was happening in that dream of yours, please?”

No, I can’t. I want to though...I want to tell you everything, but...then you’ll leave...I’ll tell you I killed you and then then you’ll leave. You’ll call me a monster, I know I am one, but I just can’t bear you thinking that about me...I shook my head no, no I can’t let you hate me! He let out a small sigh going back to stroking my hair. It was nice...Stop being nice to me! Don’t stop...I’ll miss you.

“ Mari, you need to trust me. You need to tell someone what's going on. For example, why were you so upset while you were at school.”

How did he know what happened at school?! Does that mean he knows what’s going on? Does he know who I am?!

“ H-how do you know I was upset at s-school?”

He looked nervous and began to scratch the back of his neck, a nervous habit I noticed he had, Adrien has the same one… 

“ Y-your friend! T-the um…Ladybloger, she uuhh told me one of her friends was very upset and acting really strange and she asked me to check up on you…”

That would make sense. Alya would probably resort to that. So he didn’t visit me because he wanted to...just because he was asked to. Who would want to hang out with a freak like me?

“ Oh…” 

 Was the only thing I could seem to get out.

“ I also just wanted to check on you in general. I had a feeling you would need someone to talk to or just listen and I have four ears. No one is better at listening and keeping secrets than me.”

I felt a small warmth in my chest at his words. He was always so sweet. I don’t want to lose him. I could feel a small smile make its way to my lips at his words.

“ Thank you, kitty. I really appreciate it.”

“ Sooooo, are you going to tell me?”

Do I tell him, what would I tell him? I need to tell him, he needs to know.  Even if he hates me, I need to tell him!  I gave a small nod, I need to tell him!

“ Don’t feel pressured to have to say anything if you don’t want to, and take your time. I’ll wait for you, ok?”

He was always so considerate.  Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if I hadn’t fallen for Adrien, if I had instead fallen for this sweet cat. Maybe I should give him a chance, but now is not the time. Besides, he’s going to hate me soon. I nodded letting my smile grow a bit bigger at his concern.

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