Chapter 22

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Third Person POV

She had done it, she had sold her soul to the devil himself. 

And for what; in order to save the life of  a woman who is reason she is in this mess! If Nathalie never told Gabriel of Marinette being Ladybug, then she would have never been put into this situation in the first place! Marinette wouldn't have been tortured, both mentally and physically, by that repulsive, sadistic man!

...But then Marinette thought of the way Adrien looked up to Nathalie and the fact that she too was being horribly abused by this-this monster.

Her mind wandered to the last time she was trapped in this mausoleum of a house and she shivered as she remembered the burn of the whip on her body. 

Even though Marinette hasn't really eaten anything these past couple of days, she could still feel some bile trying to make its way up her throat and onto the floor. With great distaste, she swallowed it back down.

Silent tears began to roll down her face as she realized that she would never be able to escape from the whip or any weapon that he chose to assault her with ever again.

She didn’t know if she would be able to handle that. How was she supposed to leave live with the fact that he said she would be a-a mutt. She'll be treated as a canine, no longer as a human.

Marinette curled up while sitting on the floor, her back against a cabinet, and her frail body jerking with each quiet sob that came out of her.

She'll be driven to insanity within these walls. It wouldn't be long until she does, with how agonizing the torture has been. Then including how Marinette self-heals to the degree where she cannot die from bleeding out like any regular person.

Or Gabriel could get bored of torturing her and decide to kill her before then. Maybe she would take her life before he could! 

No, that won't work. If she did that, then Gabriel would hurt Nathalie again and maybe even Adrien and it would all be her fault for being so selfish. 

She bit her lip to keep a loud sob from escaping her lips as she continued to worry about what exactly this life was planning for her to go through.

She didn’t know how long she sat there curled up in a ball with her face in between her legs as she mourned the life she could have lived. It must have been hours because the next thing she knew was the front door was opening and footsteps that were far too light to be Gabriel’s, were coming toward the kitchen. 

As quickly as she could, she opened one of the cabinet doors which led to a nearly empty space filled with a few pots and pans that was just wide enough to fit her and climbed in. She carefully closed the door, so it wouldn’t make a noise, and waited, A few moments later, the door to the kitchen did indeed open. 

Adrien walked into the kitchen with an air of defeat and a heavy weight on his shoulders. He filled a glass of water and drank it in two great gulps. He looked back down at the glass as tears welled up in his eyes. Quietly he muttered,

" Why would you run away, Mari?"

Before he set the glass back down at the edge of the sink, he inhaled deeply and paused as the scent of something oddly metallic and familiar, filled his nose.  But before he could look around and investigate it further his father burst into the room, his hair slightly disheveled which completely threw Adrien off.

Gabriel’s eyes landed on his son and a cold chill ran over Adrien at the dark look that filled his father’s gaze.

" Adrien, go to your room and start practicing on your piano. Now."

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