Chapter 23

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Adrien's POV

"...Kid you need to get ready and go to school..." Plagg said gently.

I sighed, but mentally agreed.

Maybe if I go to school today, Mari will be there. She'll most likely show up to school late, but as long as I see her and she's alright then I'll be able to relax a bit...

But she hasn't showed up to her home at all yesterday. I went as Chat Noir to check on her, but all I was met with was her parents.

Sabine reluctantly told me that she found out about how Mari lied about harming herself. She even told me how she slapped Princess and told her that she was grounded. She wasn't supposed to go to school, but she did anyway.

I know that Marinette wasn't lying about harming. First of all she never told me willingly, I figured it out myself. Second of all, the cuts disappearing also have something to do with her power to instantly heal. Which her parents definitely don't know about, based off of how Sabine reacted to it.

Still...why would she willingly escape to got to school? She doesn't really look like she enjoys school all that much from the way she has been reacting recently. Wouldn't it have been better if she just stayed at home?

Then the way Alya looked when the announcement was made about Marinette disappearing while also being injured. She looked somewhat guilty, yet she huffed, like she's exasperated...

Did something happen when they left to the principle's office. Did they have a fight or something? That would be bad. Alya's her best friend after all.

Then there's Alix who looked more scared than anything, when she heard the announcement and was one of the first ones to volunteer to look for her around the school as well as outside of school.

I tried to talk to her, but she gave me a sad and knowing look, but she also glared at me as she got a realization of something.

She pulled me aside and told me that if Mari doesn't show up today that she will tell me something after school and it was really important for me to know about. She said it has to do with Marinette and possibly the reason why she is missing.

I really hope Princess is okay...

Even though I thought that, a heavy weight made it's way to my chest...

I don't have a good feeling about this at all...

_______________Time Skip________________

I sat in my chair, watching the door intently, hoping to see Marinette walk through anytime now.

" Mr. Agreste!"

I flinched as I heard Ms. Bustier yell.

" Y-Yes Ms. Bustier?" I asked nervously. She did not look amused.

" You would know, if you were paying attention. I don't know what is so interesting about the door, but focus on the lesson. If I catch you ignoring my lesson again, I will send you to the principal's office as well as call your father and explaining your behavior in my class." She said sternly.

My eyes widened.

" No! Please don't Ms. Bustier! I was just looking at the door hoping to see Marinette walk through! I'm really worried about her! I-I promise to pay full attention to the lesson, b-but please don't tell my father!" I said quickly.

Ms. Bustier looked at me sadly and then sighed loudly.

" Alright, I won't relay this to your father, but Adrien. Understand that Marinette has only been gone for a day. I'm sure she'll come back soon, so please just try to stay focused on my lesson." She said. I nodded sadly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2023 ⏰

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