-Tsunami-Ptsd-Panick Attack-

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Hi guys you know the drill please leave requests let's get right into it 💖

It's been 1 week since the Tsunami it hasn't really effected the team at all considering non of them felt the piercing fear of seeing thats wave come at full speed. Non of them felt the piercing pain of been thrown under water having it fill your lungs and be bashed around like a chew toy still having to save others. To be honest non of them thought they knew anyone who was actually effected mentally. But what they didn't know buck was suffering under their noses. He felt that fear and the pain of the tsunami and it haunts him. He hasn't been sleeping and when he does he wakes up drenched in sweat gasping for air with those horrible nightmares, and the hallucinations those feel so real. luckily no one has noticed their have been some close calls though. He hasn't been anywhere that peer since.
(At the station)(one week after tsunami)
"Hey Nash do you know where Hen is? I haven't seen her and she said she needed to tell me something" buck asks Chief Nash (Bobby) "Hen? Oh she called in sick this morning" Nash responds. Buck was about to respond but the bell rings that means it's rescue time. Buck, Nash, Chimney, and Eddie got their gear on and piled into their spots in the truck. "Hey Chief what's the emergency?" Chimney asks through the head set. "The Farris wheel is malfunctioning the people are stuck, I was told someone may have a mild concussion but it is to be determined" Nash replies. Buck freezes his face goes pale "no come on it has to be a different Ferris wheel right .... right" he thinks to himself now starting to sweat a little. "WhErE UmMm Is ThIs FeRrIS WhEel" buck says his voice clearly shaky. "Well of course the peer" Eddie says making fun of him jokingly. PEER PEER PEER PEER PEER that word echoes through his head he starts shaking a little tears fill his eyes he looks like a ghost. "Hey buck are you okay?...." Nash says but no response. "Buck are you okay" he tries again "BUCK?" He yells finally getting his attention. Buck clears his through and smiles not wanting to seem off "yeah of course I am just thinking about... what I'm going to have for dinner" he says clearly lying but trying to stay composed. "Alright then" Nash decides to drop it. .....They've arrived..... buck gulps he shakily gets out. He starts walking behind the team but he looks out over the railing and the water it's gone just like it disappeared during the tsunami just to be sent violently right back at them. He sees it the wave it's coming right at then again! He tries to run like he did last time but he fosters and falls down. "No! NO! Run!" He thinks but it doesn't help. He's shaking harder now his head in between his knees and his knees spilled tightly into he's chest. He starts scratching at his head and pulling his hair. He starts to scream. Nash Eddie and chimney look back to see buck in a ball pulling as his hair. They all run to his side. Bucks hallucinations change he's now under water trying to swim up but is being puled down by the current. Buck starts to hit himself in the head he's gasping for air his chest feels tight he's shaking he's ghost white he's crying now. He keeps repeating the words help me help me! In between gasps over and over again. Eddie holds buck from behind holding his arms to stop from hitting himself trying to comfort him. "buck it's alright it's alright your safe your safe your not their your not their" Chimney and  Nash repeat over and over again trying to snap him back into reality. Buck begins to relax into Eddie and his breath begins to slow he stops shaking and crying, eyes still red from crying. "I'm going to need another unit here to fix the Ferris wheel possibly one mild concussion" Nash says into his radio knowing they need to focus on Buck. Now buck has fallen asleep on Eddie. They all lifted him into the truck. Once they were back they had placed buck on the couch they all stayed by his side until he woke up. Buck groans and shoots ups breathing quickly. "Hey!hey hey shhh it's alright your at the station" Eddie says. Buck clams down. "Buck what happened back their" Chimney asks. Buck new what happens it was one of his flash backs it happens sometimes it makes him feel and think he's back there. " ...I don't know.." he lied. "Please buck I know it's hard but don't lie has that happed before?" Nash asks buck sighs in defeat ".. yeah I get nightmares and hallucinations and panic attacks and flash backs. I've had so many I couldn't even guess" buck chokes out "I just want them to stop" he begins to cry and Eddie give him a hug. "Don't worry they will I'll make sure you don't go by that area on rescues and I'm going to set you up with a therapist for PTSD if your up for it you can still work" "thank you" buck cries and they all group hug

Hi guys I hope you liked that one any requests?? I will be posting regularly

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