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It took a lot of convincing but eventually the security guard let me in. Just kidding. I snuck in through the back. I just have to remember my name's Angela and I'm Rhegan's assistant, whoever that is.

I avoided anyone who looked like they worked at the Orpheum and stood near the back. Then I had to go to the bathroom and somehow ended up outside.

"They were my friends, my band. My family. Why can't you just come pick me up, and hold my in your arms and tell me everything's gonna be okay, and that I'm gonna get through it."

"Julie?" I asked. She turned around and looked at me. She was crying. "What's wrong?"

"The guys are gone and I-I think they crossed over." She cried. I hugged her as my eyes got watery. She sobbed into my arms. I knew they'd eventually cross over but I thought I'd at least get to see them perform. I took a deep breath.

"Okay," I grabbed Julie's arms and look at her. "Here's what's gonna happen, you are gonna perform tonight and you're gonna rock this place, okay? The guys are gone and that sucks, but you're the lead in Julie and the phantoms and if only real artists can before at the orpheum then you deserve to perform. If not for you then for your mom and the guys."

She smiled. Her lips slightly parted until a woman came up to us and gave Julie a flower. Julie hugged the flower.

"Ready?" I asked.

She nodded.

I watched as Julie walked on stage.

"Tonight I'd like to dedicate this song to my mom, who's been there with me every time I've played. And thank her for not giving up on me. I'd also like to dedicat this performance to three special friends who have changed my life completely, who have brought music back to me. It was their dream to play here and this is for them. This song is for anyone who's lost their way."

I smiled. I may not have been very close to Julie but I was proud of her. She'd gotten so far because of the guys. Julie started singing. I wouldn't be able to see the phantoms play but at least I'd get to see Julie play. Then all of a sudden Alex popped in and started playing the drums. I laughed out loud without even realizing it. I'd never thought I'd be so happy to see Alex considering we started off rocky. Not long after Reggie, the absolute softie popped in. Then, Luke. I laughed at his styled hair. For a second, I almost forgot what his normal messy hair looked like.

When Alex stood up and sung in on the vocals I smiled wider than I ever smiled. Okay, Alex. I see you. Then Reggie's high note caught me off guard. Someone get this band a tour, I thought. They made everyone around them happy, even me. I somehow found myself cheering on the crowd and I never cheered for anyone besides myself. When they finished and their infamous bow brought the crowd to an even louder cheer.

I looked around trying to find the backstage entrance that didn't have a guard. I was hoping I could talk to the band before they had to crossover. Or maybe even Julie if they were already gone. If I'm being honest I don't really understand the crossing over concept.

"Excuse me, who are you?" A woman tapped my shoulder.

I panicked. "Who's asking?"

"I'm Rhegan from Columbia records." Rhegan? Why does that sound so familiar. "Someone said your my assistant. But I don't have an assistant." She raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, right." I laughed nervously. "I'm so sorry, I was just trying to get in. My friend just performed and I just wanted to see them. My names not even Angela, it's Starr."

"Starr as in Starr Revival?" Rhegan asked.

"You know me?" I smiled.

Rhegan nodded. "I know talent when I see it."

"Thank you." I smiled completely in awe. She pulled out her business card and held it out.

"Give me a call when you wanna talk. I can make Starr Revival big."

I stood happily shocked as Rhegan walked away. The amazing imagine of Star Revival having an album, concerts, and a tour filled my head. Then it was settled, Starr Revival will be the next big thing.

The End.

Hey, so I know what you're thinking, and no, Starr doesn't know that Luke, Alex, and Reggie didn't cross over. I know, I know it's sad but it's gonna make next season exciting, trust me. Anyways, I enjoyed doing this book so much mostly because it has to do with music. Even though I know absolutely nothing about it, I love listening to it and I'm happy I could share some of my favorites. And I can't wait for season 2 of JATP so I can share more. Also I know the books I have published are old and like unfinished but if you guys wanna follow me, you can check out what I coming out that be great! Also I started a new book it's called Montgomery and it's based off the Netflix show the society, if you like that you should check it out. But I totally get it if you don't want it. So, it's been fun so for old times sake I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I hope you have a great day, week, month and year, bye!

Also if you live in the US I know it's been hard right now with the election, so, remember to stay safe!

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