Chapter 2 - Dissapearence

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Andrea's P. O. V
—One day earlier, night of the party—

 V—One day earlier, night of the party—

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-Andrea's jacket

-Andrea's hoodie

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-Andrea's hoodie

-Andrea's hoodie

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-Andrea's pants

-Andrea's boots

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-Andrea's boots

I was sitting at Ellie's couch, where you can usually find me if I'm not creating guitars or wood carving with Joel. Right now I'm also watching Ellie play her guitar. She doesn't know I'm here. It's cute, when she play's she seems to forget the world exists. The same when she draws. She's playing Take on Me. I really like that song. She finished it and I gave her a round of applause. -"God! Don't do this to me Andrea! You can at least knock." She chuckled. -"Well, I didn't knock but I spoke to you. Many times." I told her. -"I must've missed that." She put down her guitar. -"So, any reason why you're here?" She said with a cold voice. I hate whe does that. When she suddenly remembers that, she's suppose to be angry at me and Joel. Sometimes it's fine and we talk like the old times. Other times. Well, we don't talk at all. So I guess I should be greateful that she even talkes to me. Not like Joel at least. Poor old man. -"Um, well didn't we agreed that I'll pick you up for the party?" I said and faked a smile. She rubbed the back of her neck. -"Andrea. You're picking me up......but we're not going together." My smile faided. -"I know. I didn't say we are." -"Oh right! Yeah, you didn't. I just.....yeah. Um, okay." An akward silence followed. -"So....what are you wearing for the party?" I asked like it mattered. -"Um, I was thinking about that denim jacket Maria gave me a while ago." She showed me the jacket.

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