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(Neckhair's pov)

The rain finally has stopt. Me and tree were walking outside in the graden were laying plastic cups that we didn't clean yet. On the way to the grocerie store I tried to hold is hand but the moment we touch he would pull his hand away. I guess that we are just friends then

(Tree's pov)

What is that loser trying to do hold my hamd or someting. Yea sure we where close yesterday but that was one time. I don't whant people think that we are dating or someting.

(Neckhair's pov)

We arieved at the cold store it was really quited. We allmost didn't talk on the way here. So maby we aren't that close and he let a lot of people stay at his place.

(Tree's pov)

Since my parents wouldn't be home for a long time in bought alot of food and drinks. For today i desided to make pancakes. I only need some milk.

(Neckhair's pov)

I grabed the milk and was headed the way to Tree I took al long time finding the milk because this shit store looks so weird.

(Tree's pov)

I was expecting that Neckhair already had the milk but maby he couldn't find it. But there he walked up to me with his puppy dog eyes and in his left hand the milk.
On the way home we talked about what games we used to play and if I still had one of those games.

(Neckhair's pov)

It slowly strated raining again and we ran home. Coming home we were wet and cold so Tree desided to talk a shower and i already begen to make to dough of the pancakes. After he finist I also needed to warm up so I showerd to.

(Tree's pov)

Before I went downstairs I lied down some fresh clothes for Neckhair. I heared the shower turn on and I strared baking.

After a few minutes he walked down the stairs all in my clothes. I set the table so we could finally eat.

(Neckhair's pov)

The panecakes Tree make were not that bad I tought they could be worst. Then we heard the door bell ringin Tree stood up and open the door. Maika walked in allmost screaming at Tree untill she saw me. She was sudeltly quited and said I see what is going on.

(Tree's pov)

When Maika said that is started to panick because there was actauly noting goining on. That was the probelem.

Maika, Neckhair and me were sitting around the table talking who Neck hair and I know each other. When there we no panecakes left Maika left to.

(Neckhair's pov)

I didn't spend the night at Tree's becausr what happend with Maika. But when i lied in bed he was mine only though.

tree x neckhairWhere stories live. Discover now